When did this 'shop won't touch a tire over 4yrs old' stuff start?


ignore button user
How is it illegal for a business to refuse to install parts of unknown origin that you brought in? Do you get mad when you bring a raw steak and veggies to a restaurant and they refuse to cook it too?

If you don't like it, don't do business with them. I get my tires installed by a great local shop and he will install whatever I bring him.

So say I buy tires at Discount tires or les schwabb or whoever and I get a flat and I bring it it 4.1 years later to get it fixed...you dont think that is messed up? Hell they could have sold it to me when it was 5 years old but they refuse to work on it. I am lucky I do all my own work but many don't. pretty sure most tire places are not the same as restaurants but I know some like to use that cliche over and over and I never once saw where the op said anything about tires from unknown origins. I agree if someone brings in a 10 year old tire from BFE I would not mount it but someone brings in a 4 year old BFG that they purchased from said tire store that is bs.


Discount Tire didn't want to swap my winter tires to new rims since it's 10 yrs old. Goodyear shop had no problems with it.
Costco didn't want to install my overside tires on my 80. Took it to the Goodyear shop.

Yeah big stores have to deal with lots of people so they have to have an extensive CYA.


New member
I managed a service station/detail shop for 20 years, got spoiled with having the tire equipment handy, changed / repaired all my own tires. When I left that job, the first thing I bought were a manually operated tire changer & a bubble balancer, still fix & change my own tires, bought the equipment for about the same price a tire shop would charge to mount & balance a set of tires. Yeah, I know, 'bubble balance.'....but I've never had a balance issue from using it.

Are you using the bubble balance on oversized tires? I have thought about going that route but wasn't sure if would work with 255/75r17's.


The tires on my Ranger aren't that big, 265/75R16s....but the principal is the same....back in the day, the only time I ever had issues with oversized tires was if the wheel offset was way to the outside, then we'd have to put them on the balancer face down, but they still balanced out. YMMV.
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Bayou Boy

So say I buy tires at Discount tires or les schwabb or whoever and I get a flat and I bring it it 4.1 years later to get it fixed...you dont think that is messed up? Hell they could have sold it to me when it was 5 years old but they refuse to work on it. I am lucky I do all my own work but many don't. pretty sure most tire places are not the same as restaurants but I know some like to use that cliche over and over and I never once saw where the op said anything about tires from unknown origins. I agree if someone brings in a 10 year old tire from BFE I would not mount it but someone brings in a 4 year old BFG that they purchased from said tire store that is bs.

My opinion doesn't matter. It's their rules. Stop spending money at big box stores and you'll stop being disappointed. It amazes me. People know big box stores have corporate lawyers and penny pinchers making rules like this at every corner and then are surprised when it happens to them. SUPPORT YOUR LOCALLY OWNED SHOPS. THEY GIVE A S#!T!!

This isn't directed at you jadmt. Just a general statement.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
My opinion doesn't matter. It's their rules. Stop spending money at big box stores and you'll stop being disappointed. It amazes me. People know big box stores have corporate lawyers and penny pinchers making rules like this at every corner and then are surprised when it happens to them. SUPPORT YOUR LOCALLY OWNED SHOPS. THEY GIVE A S#!T!!

This isn't directed at you jadmt. Just a general statement.
Yeah, I'd rather spend money with someone who cares. But I've had a number of times Discount has taken care of me that it's been hard to buy tires anywhere else. I was once on a big loop around Four Corners when I had to plug the sidewall in a BFG AT. The Discount in Flagstaff gave me two new tires on the spot, one to replace the questionable one and the other because the manager agreed the other on the same axle needed to match in diameter since I had an Aussie locker. I bought them in Denver. Had that been a local shop I'd have had to buy at least one new tire 1,000 miles from home. So there's pros and cons to multi-state chains like that.

Bayou Boy

My local guy can't buy tires cheaper than I can buy them online so he's fine with me bringing them to him. But he also gets to do periodic maintenance on my trucks too to make up for it. Could I change the oil in my wife's Expedition? Sure. But having a guy that will pick up his cell phone and help get your stuff fixed in the middle of BFE is worth a little extra money here and there.

When it comes to rigging up a aux battery on the frame rail of my Ram or putting an HD high steer kit on my CJ, that stuff is getting done by my hands so I know how to fix it if it breaks.

Dances with Wolves

aka jk240sx
I wouldn't call this a "liberal" issue, fleecing or illegal. I would call it a reaction to an over litigious society. We have no one to thank but ourselves. I avoid chain stores anyway so I should be good.

Exactly. Not a "liberal" issue at all. Zero. Zip. It's that we live in a highly, highly litigious society. People sue at the drop of a hat and have no problem finding a lawyer to take their case. If the lawyer gets lucky, it goes Class action. And these lawyers go deep pockets suing everyone in the supply chain. I am a retired insurance broker and insured a few manufacturers. What they get hit with for claims is amazing. Many are nuisance claims and it's cheaper for them to pay out and make the claim go away than it is to defend them in court.

Personally, I've never had a tire last five years. I rotate and balance every 5k and when they hit wear bars, I prorate into a new set. Discount Tires rocks.


Well-known member
Liberal way of thinking is what led us down the road to a litigious society. You may not like it, or even completely understand it fully. But society holding itself to a lower standard where every and anything goes, does just that.

****** are you talking about?
Exactly. Not a "liberal" issue at all. Zero. Zip. It's that we live in a highly, highly litigious society. People sue at the drop of a hat and have no problem finding a lawyer to take their case. If the lawyer gets lucky, it goes Class action. And these lawyers go deep pockets suing everyone in the supply chain. I am a retired insurance broker and insured a few manufacturers. What they get hit with for claims is amazing. Many are nuisance claims and it's cheaper for them to pay out and make the claim go away than it is to defend them in court.

Personally, I've never had a tire last five years. I rotate and balance every 5k and when they hit wear bars, I prorate into a new set. Discount Tires rocks.


I'm 100% competent. Not everyone has to agree, and round and round we go. The world still turns. ;)
Exactly my point, I’ve read other posts of yours. They appear informed. I’m also familiar with that practice of employing black/white or “us vs them” terms to attempt to explain a more complicated topic. Most things can’t be so simply defined or explained and it reveals ones foolishness when this ploy is utilized.


Well-known member
It isn't foolish in my eyes, but simply too difficult to fully explain in a basic forum topic. The branches of it are many, but the trunk of the tree is rooted in the direction pointed. I truly do see what you are getting at, and I do understand the terms.

Exactly my point, I’ve read other posts of yours. They appear informed. I’m also familiar with that practice of employing black/white or “us vs them” terms to attempt to explain a more complicated topic. Most things can’t be so simply defined or explained and it reveals ones foolishness when this ploy is utilized.

Dances with Wolves

aka jk240sx
too right borison. You have to be a large manufacturer or reseller to understand the complex issues that go into policy. I've been there. I've met with their legal departments and with my insurance actuaries. It's complex and hard for people who aren't involved to throw rocks.

Many years ago I was pricing tires and went to Walmart since they had the tires I wanted in the size I wanted at the best price. They wouldn't even sell them to me since they were "oversized" for my vehicle. I left and went to another shop who had that tire for a little more money and they sold them to me with no problem. Every company has their own policy based on their own experience.


Well-known member
I completely understand the polices being put into place for protection. I have to do the same thing in all my ventures. I simply stated what has led us down the road to get us to this point. Legal plays its part, and always has to a point, but one has to become extraordinarily scrupulous as of late to not wade into frivolous litigation. We wouldn't be having this conversation otherwise, and something had to lead us here. Hence my point.

too right borison. You have to be a large manufacturer or reseller to understand the complex issues that go into policy. I've been there. I've met with their legal departments and with my insurance actuaries. It's complex and hard for people who aren't involved to throw rocks.

Many years ago I was pricing tires and went to Walmart since they had the tires I wanted in the size I wanted at the best price. They wouldn't even sell them to me since they were "oversized" for my vehicle. I left and went to another shop who had that tire for a little more money and they sold them to me with no problem. Every company has their own policy based on their own experience.

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