The Maya Rally hasn't even officially started but its already proven to be challenging for many teams. Broken shocks in Tucson, paperwork issues in LaPaz, team MIA, car stolen, accelerator cable broken, some teams canceling because of work or fear of Mexico.... How many of us will be left at the end to save the world?
Here are some more updates:
Team 25 - Jorge and Dimitri had their car stolen last week. They recovered it today. They are now trying to decide if they still can make it in time, the car needs a few things and time is running out.
Team 32 (Scott) is in Tucson getting new shocks on their truck. They hope to cross tomorrow (Friday)
Team 31 (Bryan) is in Guanajuato but needs an accelerator cable for his VW Van
4 teams have made it to GTO and are working with the Muskoka foundation
Team 13 and 23 had some paperwork issues in La Paz but that seems resolved now
A few teams are MIA - no clue if they are on the road or not.
And the Rally hasn't even started yet....