I recently bought a couple AGM, 100Ah batteries from AMAZON. Been testing them extensively before the camping season begins. So far they are great. Can't beat the price ($179)
Buy Weize 12V 100AH Deep Cycle AGM SLA VRLA Battery for Solar System RV Camping Trolling Motor, in Series 24V 36V 48V: Batteries - Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
"Why AGM over wet cells????"......You're kidding, right...
A pair of GC2's would beat the hell outta that.. over twice the capacity for roughly the same price, and it wont be some worthless no name fake deep cycle that'll be a boat anchor in 2yrs..
You've fallen into the pit of Marketing ****************.. paid more money, for less capacity.. and thinking you got more.. AGM's are not suitable house batteries for the vast majority of the audience here.. they need to be coddled and monitored constantly, which we cant provide it boondocking so they get abused and dont last any longer than FLA.
Offgassing concerns are much to do about nothing, yer lil 3A fridge is not gonna offgas a 230AH GC2 bank.. Just dont plug a dumb shop charger into one unattended and you'll be fine, its not like our rigs are space capsules, they couldn't contain hydrogen well enough to let it reach explosive concentrations even if you had heavy enough loads to generate a bit of hydrogen.. my vehicle has a FLA battery under the drivers seat in the cabin, all they did was put a DC charging system in it so they didnt overcharge the battery and apparently the germans were satisfied that was adequate protection to put the FLA in the same space as the occupants.
GC2's will also take vibrational loads quite well, the suspension on most golf carts is just the sidewall on the wheels and you really cant get more robust/thicker cell plates than you'll find in GC2's.. and the more robust the cells, the more abuse/deep cycling the'll shrug off.
For most overweight overlanders, AGM's place is as a lightweight, high output starter/winch battery.. most of us could start our vehicles no problem with a little Deka lawn mower battery if we needed to lose some weight and didnt have a winch to power.