Which if any overland platform/vehicle sounds like it fits my needs&wants?

Hi guys. Newbie here. Ill try to give a lot of info and try to be concise to help you give me the best advice in the shortest amount of time. I read through some threads and saw people asking questions. Trying to give as much info without rambling.

A) For now I am excluding trucks. I want to DD as said below and I live in LA. I dont want to DD a truck. No offense to anybody but I just am not a truck guy unless its a 2nd car and I have a DD that I enjoy day to day.
B) Will likely DD whatever platform I choose for a year or two, but I dont drive a lot. I average less than 5k miles right now a year in "DD miles".

1) Rock crawling is NOT my priority
2) That being said, I do want to be very capable. I would want to do majority of trails with my JLU buddy and a trail to almost never limit my route on overlanding unless the trail is for the sake of being a rock crawling trail. But lets say I am doing a multi-day/week trek somewhere, Id like to be able to choose 99.9% of routes and if I run into something I cant go around, Ill be able to do it at last resort. I expect my car to have 33s or 34s, not in the 35+ crowed (unless I go JKU/JLU maybe ill do 35s)
3) I want to be able to keep great on-road manners . This is important for me. It doesnt need to be a 10/10 luxury ride, I have drove stiff cars most of my life. So I have pretty good tolerance but knowing I will be driving high miles on tarmac to get to other states to do specific routes or destinations. ON-road and also gravel/dirt road manners are important to me. I dont need a 10/10 but I want to be in good comfort. I also would like satisfactory gravel/dirt road speed comfort.
4) MPG is important to me, but its not the end all be all. My main concern with MPG isnt the $ that comes from it, but the literal range and the weight that might come with having enough range. You guys can help me out with what a true appropriate range is. I was thinking 400mi range including extra gas, which hopefully isnt going to ruin my payload. (for any super specific location, I could buy extra plastic jugs, driving with extra payload for a few days at a time is w/e IMO)
5) Ultimately, Id like to be able to stay in this platform and eventually use it into INTL overlanding. Id love to do LA down south america. Id love to drive from LA up to Alaska. In the further future Id even enjoy shipping the car to other countries and doing it there.
6) Id like to be as modular as possible. Meaning I can take off my RTT/awning/unpack the drawers in the back etc and be at a decent weight and have a great car to drive in everyday, go surfing, go climbing, driving to a local trailhead, even going grocery shopping. Id like to able throw in a few buddies and camping gear and hit some mild to medium locations. Id like to be able to stick on some armor, throw on my RTT, put a fridge in, etc and go on a 2 month trip. Id like to be able to go wheel all but the insanely hardcore trails. This is another reason I dont like truck + pop-up because its extremely permanent. I expect I will be doing many trips semi-local with multiple friends. Ski trips. Surfing etc Things like that where Id like to have this car available for that, not only for full-time living situations that a truck + popup provides. For now I want flexibility.

As a last note. I understand Im a newbie and dont know what im talking about. I know that theres a significant chance my priorities will change as I really START doing rather than researching this. Maybe Ill decide Im tired of tent camping and rain and Ill ditch a SUV with a RTT and go with a truck + camper. Maybe I'll tow a small trailer with a nice bed in it. Maybe i will start to love hard trails and my focus will turn into more like tackling Rubicon and other trails. So I understand all that. Im doing my best guess and trying not to mess up if I am right. Maybe ill get tired of trails and just want to do vanlife. I get its all possible.

I was mostly considering a JKU and GX470. I had basically decided on the GX470. I started doing some planning and research. This quickly lead me to MPG and payload issues if I truly wanted to be able to do serious over landing for weeks or months later down the road but having the armor/capability to do some wheeling (not rubicon type wheeling). Capability wise, size wise, comfort wise, I think it fits my bill very nicely. What I found it to struggle with my needs is payload and MPG.
JKU lacks in road manners, driver fatigue, cost, and also payload. Yes the JK rides higher and is meant for offroad, but it also loses about 150lbs of payload from the GX. (equivalent of aluminum armor on a GX front/back) so I sort of found myself in the same spot again. JKU/JLU will get significantly better MPG than the GX loaded, which is the main thing making me want to go with the JKU/JLU despite not liking the car as much and end up paying more than double all-in.

From what I can tell on all the forums and FB groups. only about 1% of users care about payload/GWVR and only another 5% actually do extended overlanding. I have no experience to know how much I can push the payload with some simple upgrades to suspension and brakes. Im not trying to be a pig. But I think if I have a buddy with me or a girl, I would likely be 200-300lbs over payload in either the GX470 or a JKU/JLU. I would be more over payload in the GX because the MPG would cause me to carry an extra 20gal compared to probably not needing more than 5 in the JLU.

I hope this thread wasn't too annoying. Im trying my best not to come in with a super repetitive question and trying to make it specific to me and what I'm trying to accomplish.


Well-known member

"Rock crawling is NOT my priority"

- So, you don't need a big lift, nor expensive suspension mods; you can use a fairly standard vehicle.

" That being said, I do want to be very capable"

- So, you need a 4x4 which can handle "99.9%" of the routes to which you go. I suggest Land Cruiser, Patrol, or Montero/Pajero, OR Hilux if you want a pick-up, OR a Jeep.

"I want to be able to keep great on-road manners"

- So, the Hilux is out; so's the Jeep. Pick-ups don't have "great" road manners. Newer ones are better than previous ones, however front/rear balance handling is still not good, and ride is good only when loaded - OK on a trip, but not so good as a day to day vehicle. The handling of the Jeep is better than that of a pick-up, but still not "great" - uncofortable for a couple of hours, a nightmare for a couple of months. So - Land Cruiser, Patrol, or Montero/Pajero.

"MPG is important to me, but its not the end all be all."

As above; the decision is which engine to choose. Not a lot of difference between the three brands, only the engine you want, and that'll depend on how much you want to carry and how much torque you need.

"Ultimately, Id like to be able to stay in this platform and eventually use it into INTL overlanding. Id love to do LA down south america. Id love to drive from LA up to Alaska. In the further future Id even enjoy shipping the car to other countries and doing it there."

So, you need a vehicle for which you can find maintenance spares/replacement parts, and mechanics who know how to work on the vehicle. In order of practicality, I would say Land Cruiser, Montero/Pajero, and then Patrol - simply because the Patrol hasn't achieved the market penetration of the others.

"Id like to be as modular as possible. "

Any of the three in the final list will work. And now.... price. No idea of this where you'll buy, but for us the Land Cruiser was twice the price of a Montero, and no more capable. Patrols were temporarily not being imported, so we ended up with a Montero.


- So, you need a 4x4 which can handle "99.9%" of the routes to which you go. I suggest Land Cruiser, Patrol, or Montero/Pajero, OR Hilux if you want a pick-up, OR a Jeep.
Thanks for the reply!

LC is going to basically be a larger GX with an axle (potentially) and lockers. And a larger payload. But itll also be 2x the cost with more wear and tear than a mall crawler GX.
Wouldnt I better off going with a GX still and putting lockers on it and larger brakes and go a little over payload? I know I was the one that brought up payload was an issue, Im just concerned about actually finding a clean non beaten up LC for literally less than 2x an equivalently innocent GX. With how similar they are. I could almost pay for a re-engineering of my GWVR after mods and still come out cheaper than an LC. Unsure about that last part.

The other cars are very scarce in the US.
Hilux doesnt exist nor do I want a pickup.
Jeep MIGHT have good enough manners as long as I keep the tires to 33s and choose suspension to help out. Im going to be driving my friends 35 tire 4" lift JLU this weekend for a few hours on the highway. We'll see but even here in LA when ive been in his car I think the road noise might be too much for me on 6-10 hour drives.
Patrol seems almost non existent here.
Montero is possible. Not a lot of them but they do exist.

I'm pretty sure F150's exist throughout the Americas for parts availability.
Thanks for the reply

Trying to stay away from Trucks for now. I dont like them as a DD and personally just not into them. If I find no solution with an SUV or try it out and find it inadequate or handling too bad cause im too loaded. Ill have to consider replacing it with a truck in the future when I have a DD.

I do agree that a small tuck with decent payload is the best of both worlds if you didnt want a modular car. I still want to be able to slap 4 people in my car and go on a hiking trail close by, or slap on4 surfboards andput some day gear in the trunk and head out. Thats not very nice in a single cab truck or honestly any truck for that matter IMHO. If I knew for a fact I was going to be doing 4x4 overlanding for months on end and had another car. I would 100% choose a truck with an actual pop-up camper or custom setup with RTT etc. But for now my needs are more than just that. And aside from that. I dont much like trucks so as my only car I would get low user satisfaction from it


Toyota 4 runner has the ballpark payload you are looking at with the GX/LC/JK. Better ride than JK, pretty modular, pretty capable, and been round the world a few times I believe. That was the vehicle that came to mind when I read your description. Or if you like the JKU...the New Bronco is about the same spec as well...Nothing about reliability yet on that though.
Toyota 4 runner has the ballpark payload you are looking at with the GX/LC/JK. Better ride than JK, pretty modular, pretty capable, and been round the world a few times I believe. That was the vehicle that came to mind when I read your description. Or if you like the JKU...the New Bronco is about the same spec as well...Nothing about reliability yet on that though.

Bronco will be too new and untested most likely for me. Ill let the kinks wear off on that one.
Any reason specifically 4runner when I mentioned GX? They are near identical but Lexus will have a smoother ride for the tarmac.
Is an LR3 out of the question? Youtube happened to bring me to some videos of LR3s and LR4s while I was AFK. They are cheap, watched some videos of them in stock form and they are quite capable. Obviously less reliable. Obviously more expensive to maintain. I would say it takes a huge hit on the INTL factor. But without cheap and capable it is in stock form. I wouldnt mind buying one that I literally dont care about if my entry point is going to be that low. Sell it and build something else for INTL travel in the future. Anybody got some 2cents about this idea?
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Bronco will be too new and untested most likely for me. Ill let the kinks wear off on that one.
Any reason specifically 4runner when I mentioned GX? They are near identical but Lexus will have a smoother ride for the tarmac.
Not really any particular reason, they are pretty similar I don't like Land Rover issues, so I didn't mention it.


Well-known member
Hi guys. Newbie here. Ill try to give a lot of info and try to be concise to help you give me the best advice in the shortest amount of time. I read through some threads and saw people asking questions. Trying to give as much info without rambling.

A) For now I am excluding trucks. I want to DD as said below and I live in LA. I dont want to DD a truck. No offense to anybody but I just am not a truck guy unless its a 2nd car and I have a DD that I enjoy day to day.
B) Will likely DD whatever platform I choose for a year or two, but I dont drive a lot. I average less than 5k miles right now a year in "DD miles".

1) Rock crawling is NOT my priority
2) That being said, I do want to be very capable. I would want to do majority of trails with my JLU buddy and a trail to almost never limit my route on overlanding unless the trail is for the sake of being a rock crawling trail. But lets say I am doing a multi-day/week trek somewhere, Id like to be able to choose 99.9% of routes and if I run into something I cant go around, Ill be able to do it at last resort. I expect my car to have 33s or 34s, not in the 35+ crowed (unless I go JKU/JLU maybe ill do 35s)
3) I want to be able to keep great on-road manners . This is important for me. It doesnt need to be a 10/10 luxury ride, I have drove stiff cars most of my life. So I have pretty good tolerance but knowing I will be driving high miles on tarmac to get to other states to do specific routes or destinations. ON-road and also gravel/dirt road manners are important to me. I dont need a 10/10 but I want to be in good comfort. I also would like satisfactory gravel/dirt road speed comfort.
4) MPG is important to me, but its not the end all be all. My main concern with MPG isnt the $ that comes from it, but the literal range and the weight that might come with having enough range. You guys can help me out with what a true appropriate range is. I was thinking 400mi range including extra gas, which hopefully isnt going to ruin my payload. (for any super specific location, I could buy extra plastic jugs, driving with extra payload for a few days at a time is w/e IMO)
5) Ultimately, Id like to be able to stay in this platform and eventually use it into INTL overlanding. Id love to do LA down south america. Id love to drive from LA up to Alaska. In the further future Id even enjoy shipping the car to other countries and doing it there.
6) Id like to be as modular as possible. Meaning I can take off my RTT/awning/unpack the drawers in the back etc and be at a decent weight and have a great car to drive in everyday, go surfing, go climbing, driving to a local trailhead, even going grocery shopping. Id like to able throw in a few buddies and camping gear and hit some mild to medium locations. Id like to be able to stick on some armor, throw on my RTT, put a fridge in, etc and go on a 2 month trip. Id like to be able to go wheel all but the insanely hardcore trails. This is another reason I dont like truck + pop-up because its extremely permanent. I expect I will be doing many trips semi-local with multiple friends. Ski trips. Surfing etc Things like that where Id like to have this car available for that, not only for full-time living situations that a truck + popup provides. For now I want flexibility.

As a last note. I understand Im a newbie and dont know what im talking about. I know that theres a significant chance my priorities will change as I really START doing rather than researching this. Maybe Ill decide Im tired of tent camping and rain and Ill ditch a SUV with a RTT and go with a truck + camper. Maybe I'll tow a small trailer with a nice bed in it. Maybe i will start to love hard trails and my focus will turn into more like tackling Rubicon and other trails. So I understand all that. Im doing my best guess and trying not to mess up if I am right. Maybe ill get tired of trails and just want to do vanlife. I get its all possible.

I was mostly considering a JKU and GX470. I had basically decided on the GX470. I started doing some planning and research. This quickly lead me to MPG and payload issues if I truly wanted to be able to do serious over landing for weeks or months later down the road but having the armor/capability to do some wheeling (not rubicon type wheeling). Capability wise, size wise, comfort wise, I think it fits my bill very nicely. What I found it to struggle with my needs is payload and MPG.
JKU lacks in road manners, driver fatigue, cost, and also payload. Yes the JK rides higher and is meant for offroad, but it also loses about 150lbs of payload from the GX. (equivalent of aluminum armor on a GX front/back) so I sort of found myself in the same spot again. JKU/JLU will get significantly better MPG than the GX loaded, which is the main thing making me want to go with the JKU/JLU despite not liking the car as much and end up paying more than double all-in.

From what I can tell on all the forums and FB groups. only about 1% of users care about payload/GWVR and only another 5% actually do extended overlanding. I have no experience to know how much I can push the payload with some simple upgrades to suspension and brakes. Im not trying to be a pig. But I think if I have a buddy with me or a girl, I would likely be 200-300lbs over payload in either the GX470 or a JKU/JLU. I would be more over payload in the GX because the MPG would cause me to carry an extra 20gal compared to probably not needing more than 5 in the JLU.

I hope this thread wasn't too annoying. Im trying my best not to come in with a super repetitive question and trying to make it specific to me and what I'm trying to accomplish.
First off.... if you DD less than 5K miles a year, ignore those wants. Focus on what you do a lot of.

2/3 are in conflict with each other. 33s/34s will never give a quality ride. Pick the one you need.

4.... a 400 mile range overlanding.... crazy I doubt any loaded overlander gets 15mpg which means you need 30 plus gallons, likely 40 gallons, and you eliminated a truck so you sliminated big factory gas tanks. Even overlanding in a Rav4 or CRV or Cherokee, you'll never get a 400 mile range.

On the tire thing, I went from 33x10.50s to skinny, light 31x7.50s and picked up 5mpg, that one change added 95 miles to my range, in a Rubicon. Tires are the single most important factor for ride and range.

5... Overlanding overseas, Alaska, Chile, You can do that in anything.
Heres 4 guys across Africa in a Trabant.

6....... You NEED a pickup.

Conclusion, as a newbie you are watching waay too much youtube and internet porn..... overlanding porn that is. For a newbie all your wants are the result of an image the internet promotes. Think minimalistic. The simpler it is, the lighter it is, the more reliable and affordable it will be and you'll actually be able to enjoy overlanding.


Test drive some rigs and see what is comfortable for your body type , anything can be made into a overland rig so get what’s comfy to drive every day and adjust your travels to its ability . You could drive thousands and thousands of miles on FS roads and camp in some very remote areas with amazing views in a Toyota Camry . Don’t let all the internet hype make you think you need to build the ultimate rig to get out .... just get out there
2/3 are in conflict with each other. 33s/34s will never give a quality ride. Pick the one you need.

4.... a 400 mile range overlanding.... crazy I doubt any loaded overlander gets 15mpg which means you need 30 plus gallons, likely 40 gallons, and you eliminated a truck so you sliminated big factory gas tanks. Even overlanding in a Rav4 or CRV or Cherokee, you'll never get a 400 mile range.

On the tire thing, I went from 33x10.50s to skinny, light 31x7.50s and picked up 5mpg, that one change added 95 miles to my range, in a Rubicon. Tires are the single most important factor for ride and range.

6....... You NEED a pickup.

Thanks for an honest reply. I dont mind honesty at all so nobody should be scared to sugarcoat.

I understand 2/3 are inherently opposite goals but there realistically should be a sweet spot no? Not the best ride and not capable to do a serious rubicon type trail, but still capable and still comfortable. A few GXs on 33s recently did rubicon, they broke a few things but that still means they were relatively close

Id most likely end up with 33s, not 32s, but very interesting about the 33x10.5s to 31x7.5s and gaining 5mpg. Thats pretty insane. I will keep that in mind. If I still wanted to be capable, whats the biggest tire you would suggest?
When it comes to range I was planning on 30+ gal. In the GX my plan was 33-35gal. Plan was to hope for 12-13MPG loaded. I think a JLU is definitely possible to get 14-16MPG loaded as long as the tires arent too big. TrailRecon for example (yes its OL porn) is getting around 15-16MPG in his RTT big tire Gladiator and thats total trip, so higher than that on flat ground highway but lower on trails and uphill and evens out around there. JLU has me strongly considering it mostly due to MPG but I like the GX platform more.

Yea... I just dont want a truck. And I do get you about watching OL porn but I dont think I am the worst offender. Im obviously coming here because I am not satisfied with the meathead advice on typical groups. I am actually concerned about MPG and payload. I am actually wanting to use the smallest tires and smoothest ride but still being capable as possible.


Well-known member
We probably need a bit more info, like age, family, solo travel or wife 2 kids plus a dog?

Range and MPG get better as you down size. Payload is so subjective. Lots of overlanders come from a back packing or motorcycle background while other are used to bus conversion RVs. But adding drawers and sliders for a kitchen plus a 70L cooler means adding a lot of weight. I guarantee you most of us carry 4 times the amount of stuff we need. I've spent the past 5 years shedding stuff I never touch/need.

I just shelved the snatch block and 20K# tree saver cuz I'll never need it, it was just part of the ego, overlander porn, peer pressure trap we all fall into.

Likely before anyone can offer constructive comments we need to know a bit more about you.

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