I chose kargo Master because I did not want a tubular cage around my Jeep and when not in use I wanted something stealth. Hate wind noise as well. Not a whisper comes from this rack. I Couldn’t be happier. Easy to take roof off as well only 4 extra bolts.
I hadn't see this rack from Kargo Master either, very cool design.
I have the Gobi Stealth on my JK, very sturdy, works great. The trick with the RTT on the Gobi is to get a pair of the accessory bars that attach at the outer edge of the rack. Bolt your RTT to the bars and then just drop RTT bars and all on the rack and it takes less then a minute to tighten them down. No more fumbling under the rack.
The 2 biggest questions when choosing a rack is:
1) Do you want to be able to remove your hardtop?
Racks like the AEV and the Frontrunner, really aren't designed to be taken on and off easily which has been brought up in many threads.
2) Are you ok with drilling holes in your roof and if so, how many and how large?
The Frontrunner I believe requires 16 x 22mm holes in your roof! That's a lot of large holes if you ask me.
The downside to the Gobi is the weight, and while not noisy, it does cut down on mpg's a bit.
Since I picked built my Expo trailer, the Gobi hasn't been seeing much use. In fact, I put it back on recently to hold a couple Rotopax and to see if I want to keep it. Frankly, it's now overkill for my needs and I can't use my Throwback top with the Gobi, which is why I find this Kargo Master mod-rak lo-pro very interesting especially with only 4 holes to drill! Thanks for posting it.