Which van????


New member
Best van, from the factory, aint gotta be new, most capable, best towing, durable, comfortable, comfortable for a lot of people in it, and just generally awesome?


IMO: Most durable, best towing vans in order of their power best suited to towing, in order of best to worst: 7.3L Ford Powerstroke (newer, more powerful, very durable, the most desirable van motor IMO), 7.3 IDI Ford (cheaper to buy, WAY cheaper to repair/maintain, decent power and VERY durable), v10 Ford (cheaper to buy than the diesels because they're thirsty and thus expensive to feed, plenty of power, good durability with the exception of spark plug threads), 460 Ford (dirt cheap, very thirsty but durable, good power), 4.9L Ford (DIRT cheap, VERY durable, pretty torquey but not overly powerful, often overlooked but these motors are present in HD dump trucks for crying out loud!),

I'm obviously a Ford drivetrain fan. The other engines can be made to work but for total durability, stick with those 5. Most capable belongs to the blue oval as well in my book thanks to UJoint's excellent 4wd kits, a Ford van can go 2wd to 4wd in a day.

Comfort will depend on your interior more than anything else. As most camper interiors are entirely custom, determine what comfort level you need and build to suit. Extended body vans [EB for short] are 20" longer than Regular body vans [or RB as they're often known], so more comfortable thanks to being bigger inside but sit on the same wheelbase so similar ride, same turning radius, etc. Good luck!
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