White Water Kayak Class


I know there are a few WW Kayakers here and wanted to get some thoughts on taking a class.

Sierra Sports South in Kernville has a 2 day WW Kayak 101 class for about $300. Not sure if that’s too much or too little. And what should I expect to learn??? I’m assuming they teach the basics (rolls and so on) but what should I expect. And what questions should I ask???

Unfortunately this is the closest to LA in regards to training and the Kern as of this past weekend was running at 1900. I’m hoping that’s not too big, as I suspect with the melt that it’ll get a heck of a lot higher.

Thought are appreciated.


Expedition Leader
Price seems about right to me for 2 days. Curriculum will depend on what the class intends to accomplish. Lot of kayak schools teach rolling in a pool in the winter and then basic river skills on the river. I'd check with the school to find out the exact instructional plan. When I've taught WW canoeing, we typically spend one day on a lake and the next day on moving water if the students are complete novices. We don't teach rolling in a two day class, but the stroke learning curve on canoes is much steeper than kayaks.


Expedition Leader
Sierra South is a well established operation up there in Kernville and though I have never taken a class from them I have heard good things from those who have. $300 for a two day class is about the going price if the student to teacher ratio is low. The flow should continue to rise in the next month, 1900cfs isnt too bad for the park run which is what you will probably be doing and the teacher shouldnt put you in anything out of your comfort zone. When you get done and are well addicted to kayaking let's get together and do some boating. There is actually some fun whitewater right here in LA County. The East and West Fork of the San Gabriel River well above Azusa are fun afternoon runs if the snowpack is good. Piru and Sespe Creek are the crown jewels of Southern California kayaking rivers, Sespe is Class V and takes 3-4 days to boat if you portage a lot and 2-3 days if you run as much as you can.

Have fun and be safe.


Awsome thanks guys thats what I was looking for. I spoke with Sierra Sport and was told the 1st day is all about rolls and controls on the lake, which is good news. 2nd day they take you on the river and depending on flow what part of the river.

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