pies and cakes are one thing...
We do a lot in the oven. Much of it is entries from scratch, others are simply re-heating vacuum-sealed frozen items.
Works a great deal better than stove top, and in our experience is much more efficient on LP
Also doesnt require a ridiculous battery bank if your thinking about microwave or convection oven
best part about it for me... is that my wife is Italian.
Nearly everything we eat at home is from scratch.
We try hard to do the same on the road as well. But isn't nearly as easy.
With weight savings in mind, dry goods for making meals is key.
And being on the road, fresh produce is great to keep up on as well.
Just a few things that we do in the oven...
* corn bread - we do chili a lot, corn bread makes it 10x better! powdered mix, a bit of water, and an oven. Corn bread!
* good mac-and-cheese - no, not the boxed kind :Wow1: This is from scratch, and includes pees and tuna
* pizza - using pre-made crust. Super fast and good!
* meatloaf - Oh... so good!
* blueberry muffins - from powdered mix. great for easy breakfast item. Make one batch that lasts week or so.
* cookies - no excuse needed

* oven baked pastas - did I mention my wife was Italian :ylsmoke:
* bread - making bread, or simply re-heating a loaf of say, garlic sourdough for a meal is great!
* Pot Pies - EVERYONE loves a good home made pot pie!
* stuffed baked potatoes - yeah, YUM!
* stuffed peppers - again... YUM!
* Chicken wings and fingers - easy store bought re-heated
* breaded and baked seasonal fish - YUM!