Who would be interested in a 2012 "End of the World" Maya Rally?


Expedition Leader
I am going to suggest anyone interested in doing the rally and or the organizers pick up this map....



larger image here....


The map only shows main roads but what it does show in detail is every single ruin in the Yucatan and N. Central America.

Also check out Xunantunich in Belize. Not really off the beaten path but one of the largest and best ruin sites in Belize. Tulum in the Yucatan is another not off the beaten path but IMHO is one of the most fantastic ruins in the whole region.

My take on the HAM issue down south:

When's the last time you were pulled over by a local, county, or state cop and when he/she saw your hand mic, were asked to show your FCC license? I would venture a guess never. That's because a huge number of cops have no clue--just like the vast majority of Americans in general don't--what HAM is or that there's even a licensing process or that you're supposed to keep a copy in your truck.

Having driven through more Mexican checkpoints than I can count, and having had my truck searched by military and police multiple times, no one ever asked about the mics, radios, or antennas hanging all over my truck. And everything was right there in the open.

One time last month, I was asked about "the other guy in the white truck like this," by one of the military guys at a checkpoint. I proceeded to immediately key up the 146.460 for dgurley2000, who I found out was a few miles ahead of me. (I didn't know he was quite that close to us at the time.) We all three had a good laugh about the confusion. Of course, this transmission took place right in front of the soldier, who never asked about my radio or anything.

The chances of a Mexican cop or soldier knowing that you're supposed to have a reciprocal permit for that 2m radio is incredibly slim, just like it would be for your local cop to know that.

Now, all that said, if you have the time to get the appropriate permits, I say do it. Right is right. Plan on it taking up to 8 weeks. Here are the links to help with these details:

Belize is pretty convoluted:
The process to get a Belize Radio License has changed. You now need to apply in person or by mail to the Public Utilities Commission. Talk to a Mr. Kingsley Smith. You can email him at puctelcom at btl.net He is the manager of Telecommunications.. The whole process should take you about 1 month provided you send all that is required.. 2 sets of the following: copy of license, copy of passport. I belive I also had to send a couple passport photos. Also a $20 USD international money order. Don't forget to ask for a import license on your radio equipment.. They need all serial nubers of equipment you are bringing into the country.
Thanks to dgurley2000 for this great info.

For me, though, I carry the FCC original, two copies, and a little spare cash in case there's a "special occasion" when my hunch is wrong and I meet that one cop who knows.

I'd say that the chance of going to jail for this, though, is incredibly, incredibly slim.


The bastard Icarus.
We have a big year coming, this should top it.

Hi all,

I might be queueing in a little late here but we've got a pretty big travel and trans-continental move plans happening this year, so this looks like the best way to kick off the next.

To the OP, I'll be PMing you soon to hopefully gather some info and to offer some of ours.

Count us in.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
thanks to all who have sent me a pm to show their interest. this is looking to be one of the most exciting things we've done here!

we have a first draft of the regulations and we are reviewing it right now. the site is also almost ready. I am hoping to launch the whole thing Feb 1st.


Expedition Leader
Fine Minds Think Alike! Although my current plan is to fly to Belize and simply bus it from there to Tikal or similar to witness the final sunset. (Obviously there's no point in buying return tickets!)

Driving does appeal but getting to the starting line from here in the North East would be tiring and the event itself could well be a rush because we probably couldn't leave before December 14. I haven't seen a last start date banded around yet so I don't know if this is in any way practical. Fortunately we wouldn't need to be back home until January 1 but that's after the apocalypse.

Is flying to the start and taking public transport to the finish a legitimate way to participate?

Is renting a motorcycle or other vehicle in Mexico practical?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Is flying to the start and taking public transport to the finish a legitimate way to participate?

Is renting a motorcycle or other vehicle in Mexico practical?

I think any expo member who is in Guatemala around this date should find a way to come to the final party!

Also if you rent a 4x4/bike in Belize, you can probably do at least a good portion of the rally if you are willing to backtrack in Mexico first.


Just to toss out my $0.02. My vote is more off road oriented then on, this is an expedition forum after all and I would rather be away from the masses. I think 4x4 would be required but we wouldn't need to do anything extreme. My guess is most people here are already running 4x4 so it shouldn't matter much.

I would also like getting out to little known, off the beaten path, places and especially Mayan ruins rather then having to do something in the middle of Mexico City.



My nagivator and I were discussing this after a couple/3 Squatter's from Salt Lake C. - really good beer. This sounds like a woot or is that hoot, not quite sure which right at this moment. I was thinking that I could put in alot of OT for comp time, but at the same time I could be fired really soon. The nagivator had the great insight that either way we could make it. Right now, count us in. Where is the starting line, how much beer is required and where does it end. Ken, if you read this, let's go.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
My nagivator and I were discussing this after a couple/3 Squatter's from Salt Lake C. - really good beer. This sounds like a woot or is that hoot, not quite sure which right at this moment. I was thinking that I could put in alot of OT for comp time, but at the same time I could be fired really soon. The nagivator had the great insight that either way we could make it. Right now, count us in. Where is the starting line, how much beer is required and where does it end. Ken, if you read this, let's go.

Awesome! this is going to be a blast, no matter which way it goes....NoLimitX is working on finding us a killer campsite for the arrival, and we are making sure that the regulations will give you a lot of opportunity for having some fun... (think extra points for the oldest cars, or the most numbers of passengers in a car...)


we'll most likely have 3 categories - cars (2WD), 4x4 and motorcycles, with "special stages" for each of them....
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