Why buy a van when you can RENT one!


Active member
I went in the opposite direction. We travel and camp in our van all over the country. For a while I had the hots for a Jeep but that would put us back into tent camping. In the van we have all the luxuries tent camping cant provide. I would opt for a van in severe weather and bear country before a tent. In Florida Jeeps are sort of impractical. One of the only places to 4 wheel is Ocala National Forest which is mostly flat, strait, washboard, sand roads and scrub pine forest. The cost for a third vehicle or my daily driver loan payments, Insurance, upkeep, cab security with high crime areas, towing a boat and parking was not an option. When we go to Colorado we rent Jeep Rubicons and use the van for base camp. I guess eveyones applications and their personal lifestyle and needs in a vehicle would be different. For ours the van rocks it!
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They rent them here too.


I am heading over to the Oregon coast in September, was thinking renting one for that trip instead of taking my truck...since I have considered buying a Transit. Though I noticed Enterprise...which it literally across the street from Wandervan, has brand new Transits in their lot...might do that instead and just use my cots.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
There is a local company here that builds the vans and rents them through another company. GREAT idea to try a van to see if you like it and are comfortable driving one before buying. Also if you are flying in and want one or just need one once or twice a year.

Wilderness Van

Wilderness van rentals


Expedition Leader
A weeks rent would cover the cost of our 7.3 Diesel Ambo.

That said, I’ve considered renting an airstream rather than owning an trailer for any trips that I need to sleep more passengers.

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