No more fold-down windshield, although I've never seen anyone actually use that feature.
Its the large radius bends. Doesn't fit the lines of the roof.
Looks goofy, but you got it to use not to look at, right?
Its not touching the top in the middle is it? Be careful if it is or you'll end up buying a 6 or 700 dollar top to add to the savings. :O
my guess is that it is made to span a hard top.
Have you thought about getting a hard top and modifing it so that it would have soft sides. I had a soft top on my Scrambler for number of years and went back to my hard top becuase the dopler effect of the soft top drove me nuts. Now i have the hard top with the rear window removed and the pop top covering the bed. I drive it most of the year with the doors off and it feels very open, but can be "buttoned up" for bad weather.
I see the problem. Your Jeep is Brown and the rack is Black. Thats the problem.... Just to add some humor to the day. Looks like a good rack as long as your soft top doesn't rub on it; and you are able to remove the top if needed.
Gives a completely unobstructed view of the trail in technical sections, and is just plain fun on a warm day.