That was the annual GS ride that they put on. They usually have B & C routes. I was planning on going, but it was friggin cold, so I wussed out & stayed home. I didn't move to Tucson to freeze my butt off.
A couple of us tried to ride the B route (from the March ride) yesterday - but ran into a locked gate about 10 miles in - so we had to backtrack a few miles & find a different way over to Patagonia. We hit a bit of weather, but nothing like you guys did in March. It's pretty damn nice down there right now - roads are in good shape, the trails weren't too muddy, the grass is green & tall, it's warm . . .
Yeah, everyone bailed once we got to Sonoita, I wanted to keep on going but my buddies wanted to go home. (I dunno, I love riding in nasty weather, yeah I know I am weird:elkgrin

....Which turned out to be ok, since we did the route the following weekend when the weather was in the 60's&70's. It is driving me nuts what the guy's name is who puts on the ride...he is pretty smooth and quick on his DR 650. I was tailing him the whole ride, it doesn't look like he is going fast...then you realize, "hey, we are moving along at a pretty good clip".
Rode some stuff that I have never been on, in the 20 years I have been riding down there. Only draw back is, a lot of gates to go through.
Still a little too warm for me to ride right now. October is when I crawl out from my cave.