Why use a RTT?


New member
Saw one set up in the paved trailhead parking area at Mt. Shasta a few months ago. Some climbers would rather sleep at the trailhead and then go up and come down the same day. Often preferable to carrying overnight gear partway up, then sleeping there before heading for the summit.

Deleted member 9101

I looked at an RTT about 5 years ago. Since you can't stand up in them and they are a PITA to remove and store (I lived in an apartment at the time) I stuck with a regular tent. Now having a wife and kid an RTT is not even an option.

Deleted member 9101

Why not an option? My kids love the RTT, and, while my wife is a reluctant camper, there is not a snowballs chance she is camping in any other tent.

Well... a severe lack of room for starters. Also, don't really want to change a diaper where we are sleeping ?


Once the kid hits 3-4 and can climb a ladder you hit the sweet spot. Start saving now, and buy your first tent used. Your kids will love it. It is like the blanket fort you always tried to build at that age!

Deleted member 9101

Once the kid hits 3-4 and can climb a ladder you hit the sweet spot. Start saving now, and buy your first tent used. Your kids will love it. It is like the blanket fort you always tried to build at that age!

Lol... then it's basically three people sleeping in the same bed.

I'm looking at travel trailers. Here in FL the season to tent camp is pretty short, unless you like waking up soaked in sweat...lol.


Viking with a Hammer
Be careful with the longer ones. For example the 245 has similar layout and beds. Albeit, crammed into a tighter space. If you end up on the east coast, 25' boxes are max for me.

Deleted member 9101

Be careful with the longer ones. For example the 245 has similar layout and beds. Albeit, crammed into a tighter space. If you end up on the east coast, 25' boxes are max for me.

My last camper was a 38' 5th wheel and I had no problem finding places to camp here in Fl and Georgia. I am not worried about length to much, I am not trying to get to inaccessable places....lol.


Of course not.

But getting off well-maintained roads into wilderness areas was I thought inherent to "Expedition camping".

Deleted member 9101

Of course not.

But getting off well-maintained roads into wilderness areas was I thought inherent to "Expedition camping".

Lol @ expedition camping. There is no such thing in the US. Everything is mapped out, and someone else has already been to where ever you are going.

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