Whynter refrigerator just about killing my battery after 12 hours


in the middle screen it says 0.670KWH and in the lower screen it says 2 Days which is 48 hours + the 17h 13m = 65h 13 . Divide the 0.670KWH or 670watts by 65.216h = 10.2735525024 being the Average watts per hour
Just talking about units, not the math here.

0.670KWH cannot convert to any watts, that latter unit is not power but a flow rate like amps.

670 **watt hours** is correct for power, as is amp hours, aH.

at 12V 670 wH = 56aH


my fridge would have used 43694.72 watts in under 3 days

Watts **per** any unit of time is a nonsensical use of units. Same with amps.

Watts **for** a day only works if the rate is constant. Same with amps.

Over a period of time, need to use watt hours or amp hours.


The Electricity company charges me by the watts used Not the Amps
Your bill reflects kWh used, not raw watts. They could just as easily bill for aH. But not for amps, just like not for watts.

Watts and amps are the same unit **type**, flow rate only, just need V to convert. Neither measure power.


Man On a Mission
If what you mean is 9aH, that must be in pretty ideal conditions? Also ambient not too high, target temp not too low?
That measurement was just over 9 Amps in 15 hours so you need to divide the 9 amps by the 15 hours posted in that video,

If it was 9 amps per hour it would eat and 85amp battery in 6.6 hours when discharged by 70%.

Like it or not this ARB uses a lot less power than any other fridge tested in real world use and my findings mimic similar results as posted in those two videos. And most domestic fridges use up to 5x and more power that some 4x4 fridges.


New member
watts are a rate of use(speedometer needle) …multiply(not divide) by time to get watt hours(your odometer reading)


Man On a Mission
Right, but its bound to pissoff the guys what worship counting coloumbs and joules.
What as all legitimate ‘Expo guys know and agree are basic of amps and watts.
Yep, I hate using the metric system although it works out well for some things, On others it's a pain, much like back in 2001 when they changed the wind chill system, Now it is relevant to our walking speed based on 3.1mph, But the metric temp system seems to apply to us, being humans we are about 85% water and having the freezing point starting at @ 0c makes sense where as 32*f is neither Zero or a maximum, So that works ok I guess and the Metre system works for Shooting etc but I am still not convince on that one yet although it is more simple to work out on the fly, but all the other stuff just drives ya nutz.


The units issue here has nothing to do with metric vs imperial.

The fundamental concept to grok, is energy flow rate vs static measure of quantity of power.

The latter, watt hours and amp hours, are Integrated (as with calculus), or "totalized" from the varying flow rate.

Great analogy above!

The speedometer (km or miles per hour) is watts and amps, already have the "per time" factor built in, yes coulomb flow rate.

The odometer (km or miles) is wH and aH.


I don't know anything about the portable fridges but I have a small built-in Norcold 2-way fridge in the van. While I have two house batteries (G-27), I always turn the fridge off at bedtime and back on in the morning. It easily works as well as a cooler for overnight. That means, for the most part, it's running when I'm driving, into the mid-late evening when parked, and then on for maybe an hour before I'm on the road again. The stress of having a portable in the LX is why I stick with the little Yetie Roadie cooler. I carry a heavy duty lithium jump starter in the rig at all times but I'm not sure I want to have to rely on it in the middle of nowhere so unless I removed the AHC and installed a house battery, I wouldn't chance it. With a separate house battery to power a fridge, I'd be OK. Otherwise, I'd make due with a cooler.


Man On a Mission
Going slight afield... but since this topic is refrigeration afterall, its OK.
Between 0°C and 100°C are 180° of difference of state of water. Ice or boiling... As legitimate ‘ExPo guys we all know and agree.
Why is it 32°F and 212°F is 180° difference also.
Coincidence ? I doubt it.
Conspiracy of Leftist Democrats or something ?? I dunno...

Coulombs, Joules, Watts, Amps, Volts.
Are all SI units, recognised, used and understood everywhere.
Nothing “metric” or “imperial” about them.
I am happy to use what ever works best. I don't buy in to the conspiracy stuff.

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