I think the way you worded your question may have thrown most of the responders off. Most phones nowadays have a pretty decent GPS receiver in them and can receive enough GPS sats to give you a location just about anywhere a standalone GPS device might work. That said, most of the navigation apps that come with a cell phone rely on getting their "map data" via cellular or wifi, whichever you're connected to at a given time. If you're out in the boonies with no cellular service or other wifi connection, your GPS app will not have any data to generate a map for you. In some cases the app might give you Lat/Lon that you could use to locate yourself on a paper map even if you didn't have a map display on your phone, but that's not exactly ideal.
There are a number of 3rd part GPS apps that allow you to download map data for the area you're planning to be in so that you don't need cellular or wifi connection to the internet to download map data. I have been using a couple programs on my iPhones over the years and they work great...I can download map/road data for most areas of the world, having used the apps extensively in Japan, Europe, MX, CAN and the Caribbean. Pocket Earth has been my most used app although I've tried many. A search will turn up many options for you to try.