Willys Overland Moab Rally - May 15th, 2010


New member
Ok guys! Here it is. We are really going to do this!!


This is going to be a great time! We are really excited about this 1st annual event. Please RSVP so Casey and I know who is going to make it.

Please feel free to call or email us anytime for more details.

Kevin Mereness 208 863-1718 / kmereness@powereng.com
Casey Dimmitt 714-478-1867 / caseydimmitt@yahoo.com

Please provide some basic information when you RSVP:

Full Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Rig Info: Year, Make, Model, and some basic specs

We only ask that each of you donate $10 when you arrive at the event to help us cover some of the cost of the Saturday night BBQ. And if you feel like bringing something to share, please do.

We really want this to be a relaxing time for everyone. This is a family event.

Over the next few months, we will gather up some information on hotels. We will also try to get a group rate if possible.
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dirty Bakers

Willys pickup

Sound like it would be fun. We just need to get our pickup fired up again. Any recommendations for a new carburetor? My brother and his fam. might tag along in his XJ. Heres our truck as it sets now.

Jesse Baker


New member
Great to hear Jesse. I am looking forward to meeting you. This is really going to be a great time and we are hoping it is the start of something new that we can do every year.

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