Win a brand new On-Board Air Tank!


Holt Webb

Would any of you Land Rover nuts be interested in winning a brand-new Ultimate Air On-Board Air Tank?

With the help of Lucky8 Off-Road http://www.lucky8llc.comand The Vanishing America Project, I'll be putting together a photo contest where grand prize will be a $400 air tank.

I'm still working on the theme, but have narrowed it down to two possibilities:
1. Your best scenic shot with your Land Rover
2. Your best carnage shot

I'm also open to other ideas for themes.

The contest would be open to anyone, but for this first one, it would have a definite Land Rover theme.

You would be looking at about $10/entry (possibly less, depending on the interest). That's $10 for an excellent chance to win a $400 air tank. If you already have an air tank or don't want one, Lucky8 will provide a comparable amount in store credit.

I'm also seeking additional prizes from possible sponsors.

Whaddya think?


First...I think you'll need to get a license to sell the tickets. Depending on your state, I believe you need to be a not for profit group to obtain the license.

Now if you were just doing a contest without any cost to enter, then you're fine.


If it is best scenic sinuhe would beat us all and chapman would get best carnage. This is rigged I tell you.
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So, let me get this straight. We give you our pictures and we have to pay you? It sounds like a bargain to me.

Holt Webb

photo contest...

Sorry everyone... Looks like I need to clear things up a bit. :)

It's not a raffle, it's not a game of chance, and it's not gambling. It is a legitimate contest with real prizes, real legal obligations, and real sponsors.

This will actually be the second photo contest we've put together. For the first contest (which was not promoted here) we gave away a $600 Nikon D3000 digital camera and $200 in gift certificates to George's Camera ( You can see the winners at

Just as before, each entrant will have an equal opportunity to win the prizes. The judging is done by professionals in the industry, is completely anonymous, and is based on various criteria including composition, creativity, adherence to the theme, etc. -- ensuring it is fair to all who enter.

The owner of each image submitted retains full copyright of their image. Images will not be sold to, or used by, third parties without permission of the copyright owner.

The entry fees cover the cost of the prizes, the advertising, and the administration of the contest.

This is the first of many such contests to be sponsored by leaders in the off-road community.

The bottom line is this: Somebody is going to win. Why couldn't it be you?

If you have any question about who I am...

My name is Holt Webb. I am...

If you are still unsure, just ask Scott Brady, Chris Marzonie, Jonathan and Roseann Hanson, or any of the other community leaders associated with this forum. They'll vouch for me. :)

I hope to see some really great images from you all, and can't wait to see who the winners will be!


Supporting Sponsor
Did I drink the Cool aid?
Bueller, Timmy, Rob and Mike you guys have been around the community for a long time, so I will ask again. Did I miss something?
I thought it would be cool to put together some great rover shots at one location for all to see and judge.
So did I just buy Zeplin stock?


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
I can also stand by Holt.. This is his second contest and it is an interesting opportunity.. Holt has a really interesting project and it is totally worth it so this is why people support it, including the people who are giving the free product away... The cost for entering the contest goes a long way in food and fuel for a good cause and I think it's totally worth it...

C Red

Interesting contest. I like the prize... But if Justin could find an Equipe bumper for the prize I'd send a photo per day everyday. :victory:


Did I drink the Cool aid?
Bueller, Timmy, Rob and Mike you guys have been around the community for a long time, so I will ask again. Did I miss something?
I thought it would be cool to put together some great rover shots at one location for all to see and judge.
So did I just buy Zeplin stock?

Man I was just joking around. Although I doubt I would ever win because my camera skills aren't that great compared to some people on here (that and I have the worst luck ever).


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Very cool Holt! Unfortunately most of our best shots were taken by a friend of ours (professional) go figure.

Would love to see what you've collected when you get them though (or at least the winner) will you have it on your website?


I agree that the format is mixed up.

If you send in photo's and they become the property of the contest holder with no submission fee then it is a contest.

If you send in photo's with a submission fee and they become the property of the organizer and a prize is awarded it would be a raffle with a unfair selection process that only really benefits the organizer and the hand picked (fixed) benifactor.

The first type is allowed in most states and some require a third party to review and register and record the results for later review. The second type is considered a raffle by most states and with the selection process being anything other then random not allowed.

So is it a contest or a raffle? to simple call it a promotion and say "he did it before" dosent make it legal or right in the community.

If you want to fix it, get rid of the entrance fee and have that paid by the organizer in exchange for the public exposure. They then donate the prize to the organizer and take the business deduction as as a advertising cost.

The way you guys have this set up right now just takes advantage of the entrants without any skin in the game for the organizer. I would not enter.

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Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Are you familiar with the Vanishing America Project??

The photo does not become the property of the contest holder.

If people don't want to enter, there's nothing saying they have to.

Holt Webb

photo competition

I've received feedback on this photo competition from a lot of different places, and this particular Land Rover forum is the only one that responded negatively. I understand and appreciate your concerns and am addressing them, but I don't understand the animosity (and I would rather not discuss it here).

When the competition is launched, I'll post a link for those who are interested. You don't have to enter if you don't want to. But please respect those who do want to enter. Thank you.


New member
Are you familiar with the Vanishing America Project??

Uh, yes. So?

If people don't want to enter, there's nothing saying they have to.

Umm, ok. Thank you...?

I don't think anyone is disrespecting anyone here. They are just trying to explain a fair way to do this so that everyone can be warm and fuzzy with the idea. What's wrong with that?

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