I was gonna delete this thread out of initial embarrassment , but there are many good points being made so, I think I can live with it.
I like the idea of using these. But if I can play devil's advocate here, I have snapped one of these fence posts in half by rocking it back and forth several times with my hands. I was trying to loosen it so I could pull it out and instead, it snapped off at ground level from the fatigue. This feat was repeated a few seconds later by a friend working on a second post. I'm not too confident that these posts can support a winch/vehicle combo. How do you attach your winch line to one?
You would want to use the t-posts like a picket anchor system. This has some layouts (just came up through a web search): http://http://www.civildefence.govt.nz/memwebsite.nsf/Files/NZRT-files/$file/GRManualSections13-15.pdf
Excellent post!How about this:
I think I fixed the first link as well.
Excellent post!How about this:
I think I fixed the first link as well.
I'm glad you brought this up actually.
How old were the posts and how long were they in the ground? The only time I've seen this style of post snap like that is when its been in the ground for 20+ years. So I'm assuming you were trying to clean an old fence line and were removing the posts in question and they snapped where you were bending them. Is that correct?
As for attaching to the posts, you'll want to do that right at ground level. As you noted, the posts can bend quite a bit. The closer you are to ground level, the less bending will occur and the more secure your attachment will be. Also keep in mind that when planting the post, you'll want to do it at an angle so that the top of the post is pointing away from the vehicle. This also goes to prevent bending of the post and a more secure attachment. And if you're still not sure one post is enough, you can always add another one or two posts and use shackles to link them to a common winch point. Hmm... I may have to come up with some sort of instruction on using t-posts as ground anchors with diagrams and such.
Here's an old winch anchor I made for my golf cart (yes, I'm that bad at golf lol)
Basically just hammer it into the ground at an angle away from the pull....
I called it, the "Winch Buddy" and ended up selling a bunch to the local ATV crowd