Winch Opinion?


Need to replace my current winch within the week. Loosely narrowed it down to two - sadly, both are brand spank'en, and have few if any reviews. I was looking for some possible considerations between them that maybe I've missed in my research. Warn Zeon 10k & Viking GS-9. Winch will be using synthetic line I already have. Like the idea of the weatherproof nature of the Zeon, love the idea of the external brake of the Viking. Anyone have experience with either?

Thanks in advance!!




I just installed the Zeon 10 on my FJ. It seems to be very well made. I will probably be testing it out for the first time this weekend.

I am going to call Thor at Viking and order his wichline for it.


Expedition Leader
The Viking is basically a Superwinch EP9.0 with a new Contactor Solenoid that provides thermal feedback and cool new bridge piece that would make it more rigid. My EP9.0 has been awesome. After many years on the front of my jeep I totally disassembled it, had it sandblasted, and powdercoated. I love the brake design. The nice thing about it being derived from the EP9.0 is parts availability.

Here is a picture of it completely torn down.



I know the EP9.0's have a cult like following. How did it hold up before you had to blast it & repaint? I've seen some shabby looking ones, which is really my only reservation with it; living on the front of a truck, it's subjected to quite a bit. I do however take care of my gear, and for that matter, have no idea how well kept the one's I've seen were.


I got a chance to do a vehicle recovery last weekend with my Zeon. Pulled a Chevy astro van out of a 2' deep water hole. It performed as advertised. The Zeon has a pretty quick no load speed which makes for a quick stow. The thing about the Zeon line is that they are big and may not fit in alot of bumpers.

I do have to say the fit and finish of the Zeon is top notch! So far after 3 months and a couple of offroad excursions along with sitting outside in the NW weather, the winch still looks like I just bolted it on.


Thanks for the pic of the zeon. Fortunately, I have room on the brushguard for it, and it's nice to hear about it holding up well. I've read that the EP9.0's can seep water in thru the bottom of the clutch handle; some people were having them lock up. Being that the internet is full of misinformation, I try to keep negative comments within perspective, but its still food for thought. Gonna run by a local shop to check out the Zeon in person at least. Ahh the search continues. ;-)


I have experience with 3 winches. Warn HS 9500, Milemarker (?), and a Superwinch S9000. The warn survived the fire on my first Rubi (RIP) with some replaced paower cables and new solenoids. It now lives on my son's 2001 TJ. More info in a minute.

The Milemarker was on a Landrover Disco that I had for a little while. I did a couple recovery pulls and plenty of work around the property with it. My impressions was one of solid durability and reliability. Slow as the day is long, but that did not matter to me. Realistically I never really put it to the test but my impression was favorable.

After picking up my current 05 LJ Rubi, I found a used Superwinch S9000 for a good price. I have cleaned it up and added synthetic line. IT has proven reliable, decent linespeed, limited braking ability (or whatever you call it when the line is holding the vehicle being recovered). All in all a solid winch. Happy with it since it was a great price.

So the rest of the story, as they say...

A few weeks ago my son (18) called and told me he and a buddy had been out "riding the powerlines". OK so I knew right away he must be stuck... then he says, "We're in a bit of a pickle"... no lie, at 18 he says this and I immediately know it is BAD. :) and it was.

Long story short... 6.5 hours later, my jeep, my winch, his winch and a front end loader and he was out. Here is the moral of the story:

The Warn was under water the entire time. He was in a stream where the sand/mud on the bottom was soft and the water ws moving, effectively burying his jeep OVER the front axle... Nothing but the top 25% of his 33's showing. The superwinch could not break the jeep free. The front end loader broke the rear loose, but could not get the front at an angle to get it moving. We eventually pulled cable from the warn 90 degrees and cranked it to life (still under water) It pulled the right side of the jeep out of the sand/mud/water and broke the suction enough for us to use both the tractor and the Superwinch to finally pull the jeep out. I will circle back if I can get my hands on the pictures...

My point is this. The Warn has been with us since about 2004. I cannot count how many pull it has on it, or how many non traditional winch duties it has performed. It lived through the fire, it lived under water, it needs a new cable after this latest ordeal, but the damn thing will not die and has saved us more times than I can remember.

Go with the Warn. Nothing against the superwinch, it is still doing it's job. The warn has again exceeded any reasonable expectation.
Hope that long story helps.



It does, and thanks for posting. It used to be that Warn was significantly more expensive than almost all other brands of equal specifications. In this case, it happens to be cheaper (as well as having a $100 rebate currently). I've always had good luck with the Warn's I've had, but it's been so long since I purchased one that I feel a bit out of touch with the current models. It seems the root of almost all evil with respect to winches is water ingress. Living in south FL, it's a guarantee that water will be involved some way, shape, or form. Gonna go check out the zeon - hopefully today, and see it for myself in person.

All this said, I do know guys in the business of using their winches, and they absolutely swear by that EP9.0


Expedition Leader
WARN - save up your money, if need be, and do it right the first time.

This is one of those, "i'm going to try to get away with cutting corners" decisions that tends to end up poorly for those that rely on these tools.

Even if it rides around on your truck un-used for 2 years, it's still going to be a WARN when you need it most. They've got great warranties and excellent customer service.

Nothing Against high-end winches like Ramsey or Superwinch, but for the money, I think M8000 and M8274 are THE best winches for normal-sized rigs you can get. Not really into the new Zeon line, but that's just personal preference, as I don't have a need for waterproofness in So-cal.

BTW, what rig is this winch going on?


Thanks - gonna shoot you over a msg now

It's going on a Defender 90 SW. I don't believe in cutting corners either, and especially not with respect to a winch. They're useless... write up until the time you need it. Then it's the most important piece of equipment on your truck. Also, in this case the Warn happens to be the cheaper option of the two. I've also had nothing but great experience with Warn.



Here are the stuck pics as promised. Sorry for the hijack, but this seems pertinent to your question.

AS each of you know, pictures never do justice... it was way worse. As you look at the second picture you may be able to see that the entire front bumper/winch assebly was under water... adn it was there for about 5 hours before we made that 90 degree pull (up the stream towards the drivers side). When I activated the winch it pulled the passenger side of the jeep up and free of the sand/mud, breaking the suction and then we were able to pull it out with the front end loader and the superwinch.

Yup, that's the top of the jeep barely visable above the stream bank
Jonah stuck (2) Feb 2013.jpg

Good shot below of the jeep at it's stuck"est"
Jonah Stuck 4 Feb 17, 2013.jpg

My son and his friend Ryan, doing their bit with the shovel as we dug out the stream bank... fun work
Jonah Stuck 3 Feb 17, 2013.jpg

Below see the front end loader bucket under the rear of the jeep... notice son standing there cold and frustrated...
Jonah Stuck 5 Feb 17, 2013.jpg

Warn all the way, although the superwinch performed admirably as well, pulling out a stuck F250 and the front end loader that same day.

All in all, I am a proud papa who is thankful that football, wrestling and this... jeeping... is how my 18 year old has his fun.



Thank you all for the help and suggestions. After talking to Andy, and being reassured about the Zeon's ability to dissipate heat, I decided to go with the most water resistant option:



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