Expedition Leader
This section was copied in from another thread.
15 December 2008
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) finalized the proposed emission regulations for heavy-duty diesel trucks that operate in California. The Statewide Truck and Bus rule introduces the following requirements:
Beginning January 1, 2011, truck owners must install diesel particulate filters on their rigs, with nearly all vehicles upgraded by 2014.
Truck owners must replace engines older than the 2010 model year according to a staggered implementation schedule that extends from 2012 to 2022.
Another adopted rule, the Heavy Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction measure, requires long-haul truckers to install fuel efficient tires and aerodynamic devices on their trailers that lower greenhouse gas emissions and improve fuel economy.
Heavy-duty trucks—responsible for 32% of NOx emissions and nearly 40% of PM emissions from diesel mobile sources—are the largest source of diesel emissions still not regulated under the California Diesel Risk Reduction Plan. The greenhouse gas reduction measure applies to more than 500,000 trailers, while the diesel regulation applies to about 400,000 heavy duty vehicles that are registered in the state, and about 500,000 out-of-state vehicles that do business in California. However, because many heavy duty vehicles are replaced or retired due to normal business practices on a faster schedule than what the new regulation will require, the number of vehicles expected to be retrofitted by 2014 under the rule is about 230,000, while up to 350,000 vehicles would be replaced earlier than normal over the next 15 years, estimates the ARB.
To provide flexibility, the diesel regulation is structured so that owners can choose from among three compliance options to meet regulation requirements. There are exceptions to the regulation, including low-use vehicles, emergency and military vehicles, and personal use motor homes. School buses would be subject only to requirements for reducing diesel particulate matter and not for engine replacement.
To help truck owners upgrade their vehicles, the state is offering more than a billion dollars in funding opportunities. Options include Carl Moyer grants, Proposition 1B funds, and AB 118, which establishes a low-cost truck loan program to help pay for early compliance with the truck rule. The ARB is also evaluating ways to integrate these programs so that truckers can get a grant and a loan at the same time.
To reduce diesel emissions and improve air quality and public health, the ARB adopted a Diesel Risk Reduction Plan in 2000. The regulations already passed under the Plan cover urban buses, garbage trucks, school bus and truck idling, stationary engines, transport refrigeration units, cargo handling equipment at ports and rail yards, off-road vehicles, port trucks and other sources.
Source: California ARB
[story source: DieselNet.com news - http://www.dieselnet.com/news/2008/12carb.php ]
[Emphasis added is my own.]
27 November 2008
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) proposed regulations that will require the use of “best available retrofit technology” (BART) and ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel on heavy duty diesel vehicles owned or operated by the state.
The regulation is applicable to heavy duty vehicles (HDV) with a gross vehicle weight greater than 8,500 lb, owned by, operated by, on behalf of, or leased by state agencies and state and regional public authorities. The definition of HDV covers both highway and off-road vehicles. However, several categories of off-road equipment are exempted from the regulation. Examples of exempted vehicles include earth movers such as loaders and backhoes, and farm tractors and equipment. Exempted from the regulation are also locomotives.
There are two compliance options with the BART requirement:
The first option is to replace or repower the affected HDV with a vehicle/engine certified to the EPA 2007 PM emission standard, or to replace it with an alternative fuel vehicle/engine.
The second option is to retrofit the vehicle with an EPA or California ARB verified retrofit device which offers the greatest reduction in PM emissions for the specific engine. NOx reductions must also be considered if there are devices which provide for such reductions and are available at “reasonable cost”.
Waivers from the BART requirements may be issued by the DEC if a retrofit device is not available or not applicable for a specific engine.
The proposed regulation also requires that affected HDVs have their engine control modules software updated (reflashed) to reduce off-cycle NOx emissions.
Public comments on the proposal are accepted until December 4, 2008.
Source: NY DEC
[story source: DieselNet.com - http://www.dieselnet.com/news/2008/11ny.php ]
we looked for an 07 before buying our new 08 (picking it up this friday) for the same reason, our understanding is you will be required to retro fit an 07 and older diesel trucks in calif by 2010 or 2011.
15 December 2008
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) finalized the proposed emission regulations for heavy-duty diesel trucks that operate in California. The Statewide Truck and Bus rule introduces the following requirements:
Beginning January 1, 2011, truck owners must install diesel particulate filters on their rigs, with nearly all vehicles upgraded by 2014.
Truck owners must replace engines older than the 2010 model year according to a staggered implementation schedule that extends from 2012 to 2022.
Another adopted rule, the Heavy Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction measure, requires long-haul truckers to install fuel efficient tires and aerodynamic devices on their trailers that lower greenhouse gas emissions and improve fuel economy.
Heavy-duty trucks—responsible for 32% of NOx emissions and nearly 40% of PM emissions from diesel mobile sources—are the largest source of diesel emissions still not regulated under the California Diesel Risk Reduction Plan. The greenhouse gas reduction measure applies to more than 500,000 trailers, while the diesel regulation applies to about 400,000 heavy duty vehicles that are registered in the state, and about 500,000 out-of-state vehicles that do business in California. However, because many heavy duty vehicles are replaced or retired due to normal business practices on a faster schedule than what the new regulation will require, the number of vehicles expected to be retrofitted by 2014 under the rule is about 230,000, while up to 350,000 vehicles would be replaced earlier than normal over the next 15 years, estimates the ARB.
To provide flexibility, the diesel regulation is structured so that owners can choose from among three compliance options to meet regulation requirements. There are exceptions to the regulation, including low-use vehicles, emergency and military vehicles, and personal use motor homes. School buses would be subject only to requirements for reducing diesel particulate matter and not for engine replacement.
To help truck owners upgrade their vehicles, the state is offering more than a billion dollars in funding opportunities. Options include Carl Moyer grants, Proposition 1B funds, and AB 118, which establishes a low-cost truck loan program to help pay for early compliance with the truck rule. The ARB is also evaluating ways to integrate these programs so that truckers can get a grant and a loan at the same time.
To reduce diesel emissions and improve air quality and public health, the ARB adopted a Diesel Risk Reduction Plan in 2000. The regulations already passed under the Plan cover urban buses, garbage trucks, school bus and truck idling, stationary engines, transport refrigeration units, cargo handling equipment at ports and rail yards, off-road vehicles, port trucks and other sources.
Source: California ARB
[story source: DieselNet.com news - http://www.dieselnet.com/news/2008/12carb.php ]
[Emphasis added is my own.]
my understanding is many other states are watching calif to see how they might implement there own
27 November 2008
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) proposed regulations that will require the use of “best available retrofit technology” (BART) and ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel on heavy duty diesel vehicles owned or operated by the state.
The regulation is applicable to heavy duty vehicles (HDV) with a gross vehicle weight greater than 8,500 lb, owned by, operated by, on behalf of, or leased by state agencies and state and regional public authorities. The definition of HDV covers both highway and off-road vehicles. However, several categories of off-road equipment are exempted from the regulation. Examples of exempted vehicles include earth movers such as loaders and backhoes, and farm tractors and equipment. Exempted from the regulation are also locomotives.
There are two compliance options with the BART requirement:
The first option is to replace or repower the affected HDV with a vehicle/engine certified to the EPA 2007 PM emission standard, or to replace it with an alternative fuel vehicle/engine.
The second option is to retrofit the vehicle with an EPA or California ARB verified retrofit device which offers the greatest reduction in PM emissions for the specific engine. NOx reductions must also be considered if there are devices which provide for such reductions and are available at “reasonable cost”.
Waivers from the BART requirements may be issued by the DEC if a retrofit device is not available or not applicable for a specific engine.
The proposed regulation also requires that affected HDVs have their engine control modules software updated (reflashed) to reduce off-cycle NOx emissions.
Public comments on the proposal are accepted until December 4, 2008.
Source: NY DEC
[story source: DieselNet.com - http://www.dieselnet.com/news/2008/11ny.php ]