Would you buy and build a Gen 1 4Runner with a 22re and a AUTO?


Expedition Leader
...I had it in my head that I'd swap out the auto for a 5 speed, but now I'm not so sure. I'm really diggin' it. And, the auto t case has lower gearing (2.63 I think) than the 2.23 of the geared cases, so it'll do a little better in that sense than a stock geared case.

yes, but I belive that the Auto T-case, while lower geared (a plus IMO) is also a chain-driven unit (a BIG minus in my book) so you win some you lose some eh. i may be wrong though, it might be that the Chain-driven cases are behind V6's ??? AS of right now I'm drawing a blank. I think I inhaled too much thinner painting today... What was I talking about again??? Wait... Where AM I??? Uh-oh, not this again...




If it is in great shape and the only issue is the tranny- buy it and swap in a manual. Easy stuff! and plenty of write-ups if needed on Pirate and Marlin. $1500 is a decent price for a great runner in need of only a tranny.
Rust free, clean interior, no body damage, and unmolested- buy it.
Auto sucks.


New member
I have the 22re with auto, and on the highway it's a sluggish pig compared to the 5 speed. Remember that it was built when 55 was the speed limit and the little motor works too hard trying to pull 65 on a road/expedition trip. It's practically bullet proof however and is used in the old Cherokees as well. Note that it's also the same basic tranny in the Supra so it holds up to all kinds of abuse. The only real disadvantage off road is no engine braking when going down hills.

If I could do it all over, I would have held out for the stick shift, but that was 15 years ago and a nice 'Runner is hard to come by now.

I make due with the auto though, as I've always expected to swap it out with a stick when it dies...

Edit: I misread and didn't realize the tranny was out. A340F may be worth rebuilding as it's a bit rare if I'm not mistaken as the transfer case is divorced and you can add a dual tcase to it (as opposed to the more common A340H). Then swap the engine with a Cressida/Supra or Jeep 4.0 and you'd have a pretty slick setup. Another interesting thing on these trannies is you could theoretically manually 'lock' the solenoids or completely shift the transmission with buttons if you wire them in. Precursor to the lexus/toy steering wheel shift. Just don't leave it locked under load as you'll overheat it pretty quick.
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Yes... I'd buy it, and then swap in a Marlin built R-series Manual.
I've got a Marlin-built R-series transmission (************) with a B&M short-shifter, behind the 3RZ in my Tacoma running 5.29's and 35's. It gets around pretty good. I'm also looking for a 1st gen 4Runner right now, and I'm planning on swapping a 3RZ into that too. Don't see why anyone would build a 22RE anymore, when that's such an easy swap and it makes more power stock than a well-built 22RE. I might buy an auto if it had a turbo and I was planning on keeping the stock engine, but I'd be looking for a 5spd to replace the auto with. Just not enough power to waste...

A Jeep 4L? Yer kidding, right? I had a BUILT 4.2L in one of my old Jeeps and it was alright, but I cannot imagine why anyone would ever go to the trouble to swap one of those into a Toyota.


A Jeep 4L? Yer kidding, right? I had a BUILT 4.2L in one of my old Jeeps and it was alright, but I cannot imagine why anyone would ever go to the trouble to swap one of those into a Toyota.

The 4.0 and the 4.2 are different animals. The 4.0 is a powerful and torquey beast and arguably one of the best motors for offroad use. They are also very reliable especially if you keep it cooled down. That being said, I wouldn't swap into a Toyota simply because it seems sacrilegious to me:smilies27. It is a very good motor though.


The 4.2L and the 4L are VERY similar engines (I put a 4L head and Mopar's FI kit on my 4.2L). Not saying there's anything wrong with them, but for the size and weight I think there are a lot better engine choices if you're planning a swap. Personally, I'd keep it all Toyota. We put a 3.4L Tacoma V6 in this 1st gen 4Runner and that's still one of my favorite all-time projects. What a great driver.


The 4.2L and the 4L are VERY similar engines (I put a 4L head and Mopar's FI kit on my 4.2L). Not saying there's anything wrong with them, but for the size and weight I think there are a lot better engine choices if you're planning a swap. Personally, I'd keep it all Toyota. We put a 3.4L Tacoma V6 in this 1st gen 4Runner and that's still one of my favorite all-time projects. What a great driver.

They are definitely very similar. But in terms of reliability and performance there is a difference. Having owned both as well I would happily wheel a high output 4.0. I never want to own another 4.2 again.
I would definitely put the 3.4 up against any AMC or Chrysler product any day of the week though. I love a 3.4 and the new 4.0 V6 is starting to grow on me as well. I am considering dropping a 3.4 in my 3rd Gen pickup.


I think I am going to go with it I will rebuild and run the auto for now. I just cant pass up a good condition Gen 1, and especially one that comes with a spare parts gen 1 with it. They are my favorite body style. 22re is a solid engine, but lacks the power so if I go swapping anything around I would then replace it with a 3.4 and a 5 speed. Don't get me wrong I love my taco and wouldn't give it up either, I just love the old Gen 1's
Here's a good link for what years had what drive train.
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I've done the 3.4L swap, but I would strongly urge you to consider the 2.7L. Little better gas mileage and still has enough power to that 4Runner moving. ORS makes conversion kits/harnesses for both swaps.


They are. Marlin seems to be the pioneer when it comes to 3RZ swaps, but I'm not sure if they have wiring harnesses available yet. I'm waiting for a practical solution to the fact that 3RZ oilpans won't clear IFS, but once that's solved or I decide to fab a custom oilpan, it's game on.


Sounds like it will be a little bit more work than a 3.0L -> 3.4L swap, which was literally a bolt-in deal (using an ORS kit). Gotta make new engine-mounts, modify the oil-pan, and then you've just got to adapt the wiring harness (Mike told me that he's making harnesses that will make that part of the swap plug-and-play, just like the 3.4L swap). Am I overlooking anything else? Seems pretty straightforward to me.


You sure about that? I just talked to Mike last week about all this (3RZ swaps).

Yeah, ORS's shop is definitely closed. Now that you mention it, though, I recall hearing that Mike is doing stuff out of his home garage in Kansas now. What were his options for the swap, just a harness or oil pan mods as well?

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