Expedition Leader
yes, but I belive that the Auto T-case, while lower geared (a plus IMO) is also a chain-driven unit (a BIG minus in my book) so you win some you lose some eh. i may be wrong though, it might be that the Chain-driven cases are behind V6's ??? AS of right now I'm drawing a blank. I think I inhaled too much thinner painting today... What was I talking about again??? Wait... Where AM I??? Uh-oh, not this again......I had it in my head that I'd swap out the auto for a 5 speed, but now I'm not so sure. I'm really diggin' it. And, the auto t case has lower gearing (2.63 I think) than the 2.23 of the geared cases, so it'll do a little better in that sense than a stock geared case.