Would you buy this if you were in my situation?


Central Scrutinizer
Do not, under any circumstances, buy that rig.

Please PM me the sellers information.



Then put the $$ aside or get a loan to get an other one. Part out the $800 one or use it for donor parts.

In the FJ40 world you will need to do some "Horse Trading" and the stable can never be too small...


We'd call that rust free up here.

I'd pay $800 for that rig if it were in my town. A couple of seats, a battery and a fuel filter and you could have a daily driver. Please pull that hitch extension off the end of frame if you buy it. One ditch crossing and you'll mess up the end of frame and it'll never look right without a bunch of work.

Buy it, change the fluids, rubber and take it to Mexico!

BTW...turn that front bezel right side up! :elkgrin:


Do as these two say, and you'll have fun. If you are looking to completely restore it, you'd probably be money ahead to wait for a more complete and solid truck like the others say.

This type of rig (FJ40, CJ5 etc.) is much better as a fun vehicle than a DD. I'd say forget the top entirely, maybe just a bikini or safari top. I'm sure there are people that do it. I did when I was 19 with a CJ5, but now that I'm early 30's with kids, I have to manage expectations of comfort.

Before you take it to Mexico, take the wife out on a topless drive and a little ice cream.


I would say buy it. That way you own it. Then over time(since you mentioned it was going to be a long term project) save your money and slowly get parts. Rust is not that much of an issue, unless its a hole. If the frame isnt totally rusted through, and the rockers arent to bad, you will be fine. Just take your time and ask lots of questions on here. Shoot, when I built my Jeep Grand Cherokee(WJ) a few years ago, no one had really anything for parts, so I got to learn as I went. Its much better that way. You will know the FJ in and out when your done, plus it will be your baby!


Go for it! I have e few reasons to say so, first of all I took a good long hard look at the pics, and it doesn't seem so bad. There's a lot of growth on it (Do you call it algie?) which would clean right up with some industrial soap and a pressure washer/steam cleaner (NOT the domestic "clean your tub without acid" kind :)) Second there's some rust spots on the tub, but nothing you can't fix, the frame looks ok, with original paint still on. Here in Denmark cruisers that old are either totally covered in rust or restored 2-3 times.

If you don't it will always be the one that got away!

Lets say that everything goes sour, then you have wasted 800$. As for old car experience I call that a cheap tuition fee! But you would know what you did, and you tried. If you let it go, then it would have been the project of your dreams years on, and you might regret it forever!

You have the girlfriend on board, and that can be the hardest part about old cars, I'm fortunate enough that my girlfriend loves old cars as much as me, we are lucky!

So all in all, full steam ahead, we only live once!


New member
The body looks good - that's all we can see. We can't see the engine or (most important of all) the frame.

Be very, very careful buying projects. If it's got a good frame and a good body, it's very much worth 800. As said, the motor is neither here nor there. If it runs, great. It can be rebuilt easily. Good drop-in 2F motors are all over the place.

If you think your situation is up to a project, then go for it. But whatever you think it will cost, at least double it, and then add extra.


Expedition Leader
Engine swaps...

That is funny, I tell most folks to runaway from buying engine swapped 40s... so many are so poorly done (I know nothing about the one you posted)

As much as I hate my 40s PO (previous owner) for the weird stuff he did, swapped engines is a whole new can of trouble shooting.



New member

Thanks so much for the quick response. It appears I have more yes' than no's. My wife keeps saying do it, and with the support from here I think I will. If it goes well I will be sure to keep everyone up to date with progress. Though it will probably be slow, I think in the long run it will be worth it. Not looking at super moding it or making it 100% original so I have a little play. Frame and motor are in great shape. Its mostly cosmetic. I have several avenues to assist with the body work, for instance there is a Rat Rod shop down the street from me that seems to be open for interns who want to learn. I also work full time with a man that works part time at his dad's body shop that loves to help out friends for cheap. I have a close friend that is a professional mechanic by trade and always willing to help. Lots of friends and a supportive wife = I think Im gonna do it. If I get it I guess I will have to change my username, 4RNR isn't gonna cut it.:wings:


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Question again is location and tools to work on it, and time? Sounds like you have the time aspect covered... Clutch will be the biggest doozie on it, and probably a carb at some point. And other than that even rusty it can run for a long time and you can have a lot of fun with it. FJ40s don't need to be pretty to be awesome...


Man I'd be on the fence too.

Depends on your skills really. Getting 40's running and reliable isn't necessarily expensive if you know how to do the work yourself.

My ideal 40 for the U.P. would be a rig like this but I can say I'd be hesitant to pay $800 for it. I know that's "cheap" in comparison to other rigs so if you feel you're doing your buddy a favor rolling him cash then pay it forward.

Get it running, get it stopping, throw some seats in it and a bikini top and I'd be done. Damn rigs like that can eat up $$$$ real quick if you can't control the "man wouldn't it be cool if...." gene.

No regrets. I guess that's the final point.

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