WTB Xventure XV3

Looking for a unicorn... Newish condition, priced right, and with Deluxe package or well outfitted. I missed out on one last year for $10,000 that I'm really kicking myself for... I am aware that it is a complete long shot for find another one at that price point. Hoping i can come up with something within the next few months, so please send me any offers.

I'm located in southern Wisconsin but willing to travel almost anywhere to pick one up. Slide out kitchen is important. Fridge and RTT not mandatory - but 23Zero Walkabout72 would be awesome.
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Thank you for the responses. I think with our intended vehicle choice we are going to narrow our search to only the XV3 at this point. The thread title has been changed accordingly.


Long time off-grid vanlife adventurist
Why not order a new one from Schutt? Doesn't look like you will find a unicorn. I don't say that out of meanness. I'm considering the same trailer and haven't found any for any discount.
You can't beat the guys at Schutt. I have an XV-2 that I've hauled all over the continent, been up to Schutt twice to visit, meet up with Tim at trade shows, and they have always treated me finest kind.

They make one hell of a product.

The advantage of buying new from them or a dealer is the service.
Why not order a new one from Schutt? Doesn't look like you will find a unicorn. I don't say that out of meanness. I'm considering the same trailer and haven't found any for any discount.

I'd love to order directly... Its a simple matter of cost. I'm not currently in a position that I could justify the cost for new. There have been a few xv3's sold over that past couple years within my price range, and I'm hoping another comes along. I'm not in a huge rush. Cheers

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