XJ T-Case


I've got a NV-231 T-case under my 2001 Cherokee. I recently rebuilt the engine, bought the vehicle non-running because of a blown head. Haven't touched the auto tranny at all. The first time I took it on a trail I found that I could only use 2-wheel high and 4-wheel high. The T-case would not shift into neutral or low range. Between 2wh and 4wh it feels normal and doesn't do anything odd, but the lever will not move back past 2wh even with the engine off and tranny in neutral. I have not checked the oil level yet but assuming that isn't the problem, has anyone else experienced the problem mine has? Worn out components, linkage adjustment, or??? I'm going to crawl under tomorrow and at least check or change the oil in the T-case. Thanks.


Expedition Leader
XJ t-case shifters are fairly notorious (great, now I'm gonna have that 80s song stuck in my head!) for being finicky, more so with the earlier years though I believe. You may want to start by simply checking the linkage and making sure it works. Also, when you go to engage it...try and allow the jeep to move a little to keep the gears from binding. Put the tranny in neutral and allow the thing to roll at like 1mph or so. Then see if you can get the lever in. There is always the chance that the tcase was never/rarely used in its previous life and has just gotten used to not being moved. Thats where I would start...


Superdutys, fords, jeeps, etc etc
FYI, not to be critical, but its an NP 231 (new process) (unless someone changed it that is what they came with stock(or a 242)). Going into 4-lo is pretty tough sometimes on all cherokees, ive had 5. Like the prior posts, put it in neutral and and let the thing move a bit, sometimes you really have to not only pull it up, but pull it left or right as well to get past the directional change. My girlfriend cant do it unless she damn near stands on the seat to get leverage. Just try moving it(im pretty sure left and back.


Ok, shows how new I am to the Jeeps. I remember shifting my Scout to 4Lo with just a straight shot. I didn't expect there to be a jog in the shift pattern, but that was the key here. Went right into 4Lo when I moved the shifter the right way! Duh, the pattern is shown right on the console!! It is nice when the fix is that easy. I seriously doubt it's been used much if ever in 4Lo. As far as it being an NV231 versus an NP231, that's semantics but my Jeep-published 2001 factory service manual calls it a NV231... All the New Process equipment is referred to with an NV prefix in the book.

Thanks for the help, all seems to be ok with it. An ex-girlfriend of mine bought a 2012 JK just before we started dating and I remember that shifter being really tough to move. I'm not sure she was ever able to get it to go into 4Lo without my help.


Superdutys, fords, jeeps, etc etc
glad you solved the issue. Semantics for sure with the NP NV thing, i just looked up the info on the name change. thanks for testing my mind. Shows i still dont know everything.
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Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Mine was always kind of tough to get into low, usually I'd have to do the old transmission in neutral and roll a bit trick, then really yank on the shifter to get it to go in. It slipped out of low and into neutral on me once for some reason, luckily I was already on the brakes and not on too steep of a hill or anything.

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