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It doesn't seem like it from my perspective. For 25 years before Obamacare I bought my own insurance on the open market. $10k deductible (per illness/injury not per year), and I pay 20% after that. The premium had climbed to $93/mo before Obamacare. Never used it. After Obamacare the cheapest I can get is >$600/mo, $7k deductible (per year) and that is close to the cap. Obamacare is definitely better, but not >6x better. I quit buying insurance; been paying the penalty but that ends this year. I could afford it, but it's ridiculous. I'll go to Mexico if I really need something; I've been doing that for dental for years.
30% of full time (40+ hrs/wk) workers in the US make <$26k/yr or $13/hr.
They do manage to live on it. Heck, I've lived on a lot less. But they aren't living in style. Definitely not compared to what low-skilled work paid 40 years ago.
To put it in a bit of perspective; I'm working fulltime (40+/week) making $15/hr - the best paying job outside of a factory I could find within 50 miles of our house. That's $1.20/hr higher than the statistical livable wage for my county. After taxes I take home $26,000 a year which, in South Carolina, is good money. The flip side to that, I have two degrees, a list of EPA/OSHA certs the length of my arm, military experience, and a myriad of other qualifications, yet the only reason I'm able to pay all my bills, loan, mortgage, etc. is because my significant other owns her own business and makes a good deal more than I.