I am finally getting around to comms/Nav in my truck. I have a Cobra 29lx sitting in the chair that will have a 3 foot firestick mounted to the left of my hood on a spring mount sometime this weekend.
Now its onto HAM. I planned to stick with 2m since there seems to be 2m repeaters everywhere in the US. I am looking at the Yaesu 3200dr. It is the only unit that has 65watts of output.
Should I be looking at a different unit? Does one exist with more output power?
Additionally, I plan to mount the 2m antenna dead center of my roof (Ram2500). What antenna should I be looking at for this system? My only care is that it can fold/spring out of the way going underneath trees.
Now its onto HAM. I planned to stick with 2m since there seems to be 2m repeaters everywhere in the US. I am looking at the Yaesu 3200dr. It is the only unit that has 65watts of output.
Should I be looking at a different unit? Does one exist with more output power?
Additionally, I plan to mount the 2m antenna dead center of my roof (Ram2500). What antenna should I be looking at for this system? My only care is that it can fold/spring out of the way going underneath trees.