Salty Dawg
New member
France is a very, very interesting country !
I'm now wondering, since you're from Canada, Parlez-vous français ?
I'm now wondering, since you're from Canada, Parlez-vous français ?
How is Neda feeling?
I'm now wondering, since you're from Canada, Parlez-vous français ?
How did the presentation go?
We rode further north underneath grey skies, typical of early spring in France. Branches are bare, the air is cold and the boring straight roads dump our weary bikes onto the outskirts of Dijon. We're staying at another AirBnB and our host Alain greets us at the apartment. Alain speaks only a bit of English - unfortunately about as much French as I do, but when he sees our bikes, I can sense that he really wants to ask us questions about our trip, but discussing anything above and beyond logistics just devolves into pantomimes and hapless, confused shrugs.
I really wished I had paid more attention in French classes at school. This is turning out to be the biggest regret of this trip - that I had the opportunity not just to learn another language, but to do it at an age when my brain was way more malleable such that new languages would come easier later on in life, like the way it does with Neda.
Gene, remember that Google can be your friend and that Google translate can be used to communicate. As long as both of the people can type in their language,Google will translate it for you back in English.
Marielle, our AirBnB host, has welcomed us into her apartment by leaving us with a bottle of wine and a tub of something called terrine, which looks and tastes like pâté. I asked what the difference was, she couldn't explain, but she said it was *definitely* not pâté! I looked it up later on the Internet and still couldn't understand the difference. It seemed to be one of those funny Parisian je-ne-sais-quoi-mais-il-n'est-pas-pâté-certainement!But terrine turned out to be one of our favorite foods, and we kept going to and from the grocery store to buy more tubs of I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Pâté....
Pâté is baked inside a mantle of pastry, terrine is baked inside a terrine.
The yummy good stuff inside might be the same.
Any plans to head north?