Yes, it's a basket case. No, I was not on drugs when I built it... (2001 Toyota Tundra 2->4WD Build)


Re-redoing things the third time
Lexus GS400 1uz Water Log Vs Tundra 2uz Water Log

It looks like everything will clear with the exception of the water bypass fitting on the manifold. The lexus one is lower down and tilted more horizontally which means the hose hits. The back side of the manifold where the fitting is pressed in is to shallow to drill and tap so I think I am just going to slip a section of hose on it and cap it, then drill and tap the upper portion of the manifold for a 1/4" NPT fitting and run the 1/2" hose directly from the other fitting that leads from the oil cooler to the new fitting. There is more than enough room to run it up like that.

The parts from verocious motorsports have not shipped yet since one of the couplers was backordered. I picked up a stock upper rad hose but the bend is too long so I am still stuck until the aftermarket goodies show up later next week.



GS on left, Tundra on right


GS on left, Tundra on right. note the bypass fitting on the rear of each bridge.


GS Bridge on Tundra


Hose Nipple Locations Relative to Eachother


Clearance with Manifold In Place


Fan Offset,Throttle Body Inlet Tube is Close to the Shroud Since the TB is 3/4" Closer to the Rad Now.


New Bypass Port Location

I used the stock replacement HPS upper hose (cut down), a tight radius 90 degree aluminum bend, and a 1.5" 90 degree silicone bend. The ends of the aluminum were deburred and bead rolled.


Hose routing, trimmed vibrant 1.5" 90, into aluminum 1.5" 90, into stock trimmed hose.


Alternate view
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Re-redoing things the third time
After the failure of the first transfer case, I decided to swap my transfer case back for a replacement J shift. I installed a set of double detent springs and upgraded shifter seat from marlin crawler and modified the shift lever to be (approximately) straight up and down. The stock parts were completely destroyed.

For anyone wondering about the shifter part install, I removed the stock insert and seal. I then looked at the insert in confusion before sanding it down. You do not need to do that, it slip in if you aren't an idiot. I don't have a picture but you roll it around the pins. You don't snap it past the pins like I tried to do. I put a bead of black rtv under the new insert but I don't think its needed. I capped the rebuilt shifter off with a fresh boot and snap ring.

I also replaced both drive flanges from the front driveshaft with new spicer flanges and u joints. The transmission output shaft also got a new seal before I throw the replacement transfer case on.



Stock shifter base, it was completely disintegrated


Crusty and completely Useless


When I pressed the stock u-joints out, some of the cap came with it. I don't remember where the front driveshaft came from but it was pretty crusty.


I was able to source replacement parts from Fort Wayne Clutch


Old parts cleaned up, new parts pressed in
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Re-redoing things the third time
Shifter Mount Base Fab (nothing is more permanent than a temporary item)

I got started fabricating my replacement console yesterday, it mounts to the floor of the truck by the inserts used to hold the trans shifter boot in place.

I still have some work to do to figure out what the rest will look like but I put provisions for my switchpros unit, usb/12v chargers, and will be adding my cupholders onto the front. I also need to add my air pressure gauges and switches.

The rear will have some storage probably in the form of an ammo can. As for now, I am going to skin the sides with mdf/plywood with a layer of fiberglass on the outside so the corners aren't a hazard to the occupants.









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Re-redoing things the third time
No major updates, I have been driving the truck for about 2 weeks since swapping the intake/injectors and I can safely say I have not noticed any difference in the way the truck drives. Since I did the swap without any real data from before/after with the current setup (winch +295s+ loads of extra weight) I can't say it didn't do anything but it didn't make enough of a difference for me to notice any change between the stock ported manifold I was running and the plastic one.

The positive outcome is that I am no longer getting any lean codes which makes me think I did have an intake gasket leak. I wouldn't specifically say its worth the cost but I have also not tried to tune the truck for the new intake either.



Re-redoing things the third time
It looks like I am going to have the opportunity to pickup a complete long travel front end, the kicker is that its 04-06 ball joint size not 00-03 like mine is now. As such, my full front end setup may be for sale. Its got probably 1000 miles on it since the manual hub swap. Comes with with new OE yota wheel bearings and seals, Total Chaos spindle gussets, new uniball adapters and misalignments, new ball joints, camburg upper arms with fresh bushings and uniballs, new aftermarket manual hubs, powerstop brake rotors and pads, 04-06 big calipers, new replacement lower arms. I am planning on keeping the lockouts and axles but will include the rest of the hardware. Only downside is that the spindles are NON-ABS currently, the hardware can be swapped to an abs model but you might ruin the wheel bearings in the process.

Shoot me a message if you are interested. For the right price, I would be willing to part with the whole thing turnkey.



Re-redoing things the third time
Man! I want those manual hubs...but...ugh...$$$...?
I am not sure on timeline but let me know if you end up wanting them, it will be a month or so before I can get the LT parts. I am waiting to hear back from BTF Fab about what I can make work with the hubs/spindles I have now. Once I know that, I will know if I have to sell my setup or if I can adapt it.



Re-redoing things the third time
So glad I spent all that time and money on this thing. It did the dry gravel driveway no problem, things got tense when I had to park on the damp grass but 2wd high turned out to be enough with the limited slip. Crisis averted. No fish were harmed on the weekend so I am happy to report I did my part as a conservationist.

On the plus side, it made the 200ish mile trip without blowing a transfer case, running out of oil, or shredding a diff so I call it a win. This may mean I can start taking real trips now that the nagging voice in my head has stopped saying something is wrong lol.



Re-redoing things the third time
Trip number 2 has mostly been successful so far. I am heading home tomorrow and will hopefully make it back to Houston in one piece. The only issue so far has been the tps acting up.

I can be cruising along and all the sudden there is a sort of dead spot in the pedal. I can still accelerate but I have to push the pedal down harder. It seems to happen randomly and cruise control is completely unaffected.

No check engine codes either so I have some investigation to do when I get home.

First time visting Toledo Bend, I had a call of nature and stumbled onto this cool forest service road. It made for a nice 30 minute detour and an empty bladder.






Re-redoing things the third time
Turned out the accelerator position sensor was the culpret and it has since been fixed with a ntk replacement from rock auto. The truck has been running well since then and I have just been doing normal truck stuff with it. I do need to track down the leak in my airbag line on the drivers side at some point but I can't be bothered right now. I am alao considering picking up a later model console to replace my hacked up stock one.

Since Houston is currently under crazy (for us) freeze conditions I have not gone exploring today but I did use the bed as a place to suit up and head over to a local park to try and get some riding in. There was more snow in the bed of the truck than there was on the hill.

Stay safe and warm y'all.


Sal R.

Active member
Turned out the accelerator position sensor was the culpret and it has since been fixed with a ntk replacement from rock auto. The truck has been running well since then and I have just been doing normal truck stuff with it. I do need to track down the leak in my airbag line on the drivers side at some point but I can't be bothered right now. I am alao considering picking up a later model console to replace my hacked up stock one.

Since Houston is currently under crazy (for us) freeze conditions I have not gone exploring today but I did use the bed as a place to suit up and head over to a local park to try and get some riding in. There was more snow in the bed of the truck than there was on the hill.

Stay safe and warm y'all.


Gonna have to look into that sensor. I swear I've been feeling a dead spot intermittently and I don't believe I'm imagining it. I'd be cruising along at 35 to 45mph then suddenly feel an instant deceleration then back up again all within 1-2sec. At first, I thought it was just load range E MT tires and road imperfections, but I'm skeptical. ?


Re-redoing things the third time
Gonna have to look into that sensor. I swear I've been feeling a dead spot intermittently and I don't believe I'm imagining it. I'd be cruising along at 35 to 45mph then suddenly feel an instant deceleration then back up again all within 1-2sec. At first, I thought it was just load range E MT tires and road imperfections, but I'm skeptical.
Next time you notice it, kick the cruise control on and use that to accelerate. If the truck accelerates like normal the sensor is probably on its way out.

Mine was noticable and random all across the rpm/speed band and would just "go limp" even while crusing steady state.

Its not cheap, I think it was like $275 or so from rock auto.



New member
Very cool truck. Seems like you have a lot of skill and determination working for you. I especially like the story about taking it out after a good amount of work and finally feeling like you can trust it. Right after my suspension build I remember going maybe 20 miles from home for a week and the next weekend going down to the end of the valley about 60-70 miles round trip and it was a nice feeling that if had zero issues.

Question: did you notice any gains from the maf calibrator? I realize you might have done it with other kids and maybe it's hard to say if it did anything. Just curious. With a double cab on 35s I can say a little more power would be awesome.


Re-redoing things the third time
Very cool truck. Seems like you have a lot of skill and determination working for you. I especially like the story about taking it out after a good amount of work and finally feeling like you can trust it. Right after my suspension build I remember going maybe 20 miles from home for a week and the next weekend going down to the end of the valley about 60-70 miles round trip and it was a nice feeling that if had zero issues.

Question: did you notice any gains from the maf calibrator? I realize you might have done it with other kids and maybe it's hard to say if it did anything. Just curious. With a double cab on 35s I can say a little more power would be awesome.

Thanks! I feel like if I am worried about it someone else probably is too. Anytime I build or fix something, the first few times out I have that little voice in my head going "yeah... but are you REALLY sure you did it right?"

The MAF calibrator is actually a bit of a sore spot with me. When I bought it, URD either specifically said they had a non-vvt map for it or it was implied by their website. Its been 10+ years so I can't remember specifics. I ended up emailing them asking for confirmation after installing it only to find out that they didn't have the map, and the unit I installed was setup to do nothing (not add or subtract anything from the signal). The unit did nothing as a result. I have been meaning to setup my logging system and actually get around to tuning it because I am sure there are gains to be had but I have not had the time or energy to do so as I have gotten older and busier.

As for power, I can't recommend regearing enough if you have not done so already. Yes, it's really expensive but when I used to drag race my truck at the local track, it dropped 1.5 seconds off my 1/4 mile time.

The truck did great a few weekends ago on the 2 hour trip (each way) down to Matagorda Bay and handled the sand really well. (No pictures of the truck for some reason) I did find out that airing up 4, 34s is more than my compressor is happy with so I will probably be making a change to that at some point. I think once the fall comes around I will probably end up making the 11 hour hike out to Big Bend. For now, the truck has been put on dirt moving duty in preparation for my summer garden and the air bags have been doing their job well.

I need to put some time aside to wire up the bag fill solenoids, shifter controller, bed outlets, and mount the switchpros/bag controller. Time has gotten kind of short though, my first kiddo is due at the end of April and I am scrambling to get stuff ready around the house.


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