Yet another Suzuki samurai build


Well new to the crew here and not sure if i should start the posting in the Suzuki threads, but as I am gonna drop a Diesel into it soon ill post here.
started with a rusted out free 1988.5 Sami and go from there
s 4707.jpg

stock freebiee start point

Didnt know it but it had a broken leaf in the back.


well while it was apart i decided to go SPring Over Axle to get more clearance . boy was I a newbie to this I thought it all would be easy :Wow1:
cut the springs loose and began so i had to make new spring cradles new brake lines spacers for the drive line yea sounds easy


well from there it was new shackles to replace the stock ones
20141220_193214.jpg well crap now i need a Over The Top OTT steering system or a drop pitman arm no pics sorry
but hey it sat higher now


Now to attack the rust jeez there was a stop sign for the pass floorboard and three types of pop cans for the rear wheel wells . Spray foam was used in other areas


20150213_102945.jpg so after some paint here it is ill get some more pics posted tomorrow as its time for supper and football


now im working on a few other things like a 1.9 AAZ VW motor diesel It's an all mechanical Diesel that runs well. to get it ready for drop in i am using an ACME ADAPTERS kit but to use it I will have to do some mods to the motor some to make it fit others to make it last heres a pic after I played PIMP MY GLOWPLUGS and the angled flange to allow clearance for my oil filter

one day closer.jpgflange installed.jpg


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then it was onto the nose bump mod . the original AAZ only has a small notch on the crank pulley and its been known to wallow out and then allow the belt to jump. what I did was drill through the pulley and pin it with 3 hardened steel pins although its hard to see on the second pic you can see that I have drilled into the front of the crank about 1/4 inch this is to allow the pins to be positively retained



The motor will require further mods to allow its use but thats as far as I have gotten on that . it seems I have ADHD and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT SQUIRREL!!! I have also started in on the mods to the body I will be dropping on . i started with this . although you cant see it had been rolled and sustained damage to the roof and other side rear . im cutting the top down to make it a mini cab pick up style. I will be stretching it aft of the wheels a foot to allow me to use it like a pick up but i will be making hard canopy for it later

found (1).jpg0c6eff0a-379b-436c-a5df-ead98a43d515.jpg


as usual the bumpers will be replaced as the stock ones are as effective as tinfoil for a real mounting point so while doing this I have to figure out how to mount my tail lights and I am going Old school and frenching them into the body




mine really wont be a Samurai by the time i am done except in name only.:chef: as I am doing the mini cab conversion to it . my original body has had many replacement patches welded in but its not ideal. so i found a rust free tintop and am taking it from there . I am dropping in a AAZ 1.9 to get the all mechanical setup and ease of maint. the frame will be stretched in the back end along with the body. I will while its all apart be adding CJ springs to it so I get a better ride as the sami springs make it like riding a unsuspended quad some days . .
The Transmission and T- Case will also be rebuilt and refreshed . Axles again will be redone with fresh bearings and seals as I have a spare set of those. I have slowly been working around the fringes until im ready to pull the body off and do it all at once in a simple (I hope) bolt on fashion. new brakes will be added. presently I am thinking about going with a 4 wheel disc brake conversion to my rig . If I am going through all of this I might as well go whole hog . Once my reworked body is done i will be forced to get on with the rest of the job . as the weather gets nicer ..:REOutIceFishing:


in the interest from another page i decided to post this mod for the samurai owners how to pull the rear drums / axles and how to do the 410 axle mod

Any way while i still had some energy and was feeling in an Axle-like fixy mode I attacked my spare rear axle that I picked up for when I do my full swap of everything it seems.
I put a chain around on the studs and then put the studs back on and winched the brake drum off with a three jaw puller , along with a few taps of a dead blow hammer and Its off!!
i then pulled the 4 nuts 12 mm off the backing plate along with disconnecting the brake system
once those are removed out with a few more taps of Mjölnir the magic hammer and the backing plate gets removed along with the bearings.. here you can see the bearings that are in it . I will be throwing a full set of bearings, and seals on the rebuild of it .Tadaaa open for tomorrows removal of bearings and prep of backing plates for the 410 backing plate mod. from there i will have a fairly fresh rear end that should take the stress of the 1.9 TD that will be putting POWER to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

410 axle mod.jpg20150506_111559.jpg20150818_183525.jpg


Blown seal might as well replace the bearing ....

backing plate bolts you have to remove these

the axle pulled after a few taps with the hammer on the backing plate

bearing installed.jpg

fresh bearings with new retainer and plate slid on . with this mod you no longer have to remove the backing plate along with bleeding brakes as they stay on the machine

end result.jpg
you have to cut a larger circle that will allow the bearings to pass through on your backing plate.

oh yes i find it easier to take a thin cut off wheel on a grinder to cut the retaining ring vERY carefully and slowly so you dont cut the axle
the cut.jpg

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