Basement Yeti
I think you've misinterpreted my post. There was nothing condescending about my reply. Sorry you took it that way. :/
Of course it is my needs! AND after 36 of travelling by adventure vehicles that I've modified, I felt that I had something to share! EXCUSE FRICK'EN ME!!!
Your condesending reply is EXACTLY why I don't choose to contribute much to Expo anymore.
As I said before...Good Luck!
I think you are right! I'll start right now.
if you simply clip that yellow wire the horn will stop working
Yeah plus, I can't see when I'm backing up. So at least people can hear me. Haha.
Someone made me an offer on the bulkhead in my van. The thing has to weigh over 50lbs, so instead of trying to cut passageway to the cab through it I am going to sell it and make one from plywood.
...and you may even think about getting some captians chairs that can swivel around and face back giving you more use out of the van.
Well there were two reasons I wanted a bulkhead, one was for security. In case someone broke in the cab to keep them from looting the back, and two to keep stuff from becoming missiles in the event of a crash or sudden stop.
Good point. Even those locking bulkheads are no good?
I was planning on having a lock box installed for some stuff too. I guess I can work it out. The bulkhead really does take up a lot of space.
no good.
what a bulkhead is good for is if you have a van where the back is full of tools and parts and you get in a wreck, it will keep everything from slamming into you.
In your case everything you have is going to be able to be secured.
There is a good reason why 95% of the vans you see where people live out of them do not have a bulkhead, it just kills the space avalable.
The locking bulkhead will do you no good because all some one has to do is take a screwdriver and pry the handle out of your side door and unlock it, and they are in.
No broken glass, very little noise, very little time.
What you want to invest in is an alarm with a pager, an alarm alone does not good, most people view them as a nusiance.
This is why on my truck when I build it, it will have an alarm with a pager, but no audible siren. This means I have a better chance of catching some one in the act. If there is an alarm going off, it will give them a sense of urgency to do what they are doing and get gone, no alarm going off and they will be more inclined to take thier time.