"Always engaged" is a positive point for OEM elocker in some situations. With the Harrop , when changing direction, the pins ramp down to the "dis-engaged mode" and then ramps back up to engaged again. ...very transparent. But the degree to which the issue is significant depends upon a specific situation and the operator's behavior. Further in slamming the gears back and forth (stuck in a mud hole or teeter tottering on some boulders) does tire speed difference change due to entering unlock/open mode and does it even make a difference in tire speed left to right? Just asking, not promoting a particular position on the subject.
I would suggest that the trade off can be seen in the OEM elocker's added complexity. OEM Toyota cable and elockers for the Land Cruisers are both subject to required maintenance and repair with years of use (if not abuse). Many parts are getting hard to source for these units 20 or 30 years down the line. Also, the Land Cruiser elockers are subject to damage from rocks, limbs, etc. due to external components.
Yes,there are lots of take-out OEM 8" units in the salvage market and a realtively simple swap, but near as I know, 12volt guy is the only one now that offers a harness for them
http://www.12voltguy.com/89-02-e-locker.html and adding an oem elocker to your axle housing requires grinding, plus are the axle splines actually long enough to pass all the way into the sidegears for 100% coverage? If not,the passenger sidegear can grenade.
Life is a series of trade-offs and an informed purchaser is always going to make a better decision with better results. I am not saying you should buy/not buy and install a Harrop, ARB, Zip, OEM take-out - there are plusses and minuses to each. Based upon my needs, wants, preferences and budget, I went with Harrops BEFORE our firm started selling them. I am an expedition style user, dong some rock/mud stuff, but not likely going to be mud-bogging