There are more than a few ways to go!!! We've had tents, lifted airstream TTs, truck tent, truck cap, and currently a slide in popup truck camper. We love our current popup truck camper as we can get into remote locations easily and has the basic amenities. Plus we can use the truck for other things when needed too. I would say it 4 season light meaning it's great for short trips in below freezing temperatures. TCs also allow you to pull a trailer or carry bikes on traditional racks. For long trips, our TC is limited with no wet bath or gray tank so some work arounds need to be done.
That said, we wanted something that was more of four season capable without giving up the remote traveling possibilities. We started looking at van builds and finally came to the realization that an EarthCruiser would check 99% of the boxes for us. Note, there is no absolutely perfect vehicle, just one that suits your needs the best. We wanted to keep the tip to tail length as short as possible (right now our TC does not add length to our truck but once a wet bath is added a couple feet would be added to the length.) With the EC and cabover chassis, all the extra space is given to the living quarters which makes longer trips a just little more comfortable. The overall length is just around ~21ft and it has a short wheel base with a very tight turning radius (tighter than our current Silverado.)
We also looked at Nimbl and loved what they're doing with their new/relaunch of "flat bed" truck camper ideally based on a Ford 350 platform. With the fiberglass and composite materials, double paned windows, and internal tanks it has true four season capability. With it's roof raised it has more space above the bed than most cab over TC beds so it feels roomy. The dinette is nice with a large window in the back. The only really downside for us was the overall length being closer to ~24ft. The Nimbl doesn't have a passthrough either which we thought would be a nice for this type of vehicle but really not a big deal. Otherwise, the Nimble would check most of the boxes, too.
Neither the EarthCruiser, Nimbl, EarthRoamer, nor GXVs, etc (new or used) are cheap, and so in our mind, it was important that it be built to last and built to provide everything important we needed it do for the long term, which means international travel capable as well. The EC and Nimbl will fit into a shipping container with some coaxing
Good luck with your decision.