Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


красный октябрь
I started with no lift Slee kit, in this pic -

Us by Красный Октябрь, on Flickr

You can see the back end was loaded pretty heavily. that was with shot 285's, it now has NEW 285s and the same springs, but we are going to the Slee/OME 2.5" kit and sticking with 285s. I think its the best compromise for usability and drivability. Most of the trucks I used in the Stan were setup just this way. (except with Deisels...ugh).

Your truck is looking great.

unloaded- Slee stock height replacements-

Continental Divide by Красный Октябрь, on Flickr

IMG_1355 by Красный Октябрь, on Flickr

Keep posting man, you keep me motivated.


New member
A BIG thanks to Mario and the guys at Top Line Performance in Huntington Beach

What a coincidence, I have a white FZJ80 and was just down at Top Line to pick up an OEM hitch from Mario two days ago. I checked out his white FZJ80 w/ GM V8 swap...awesome.

I've been lurking here for a long time but have enjoyed reading your thread and seeing the buildup of this great looking rig. Just picked up my first LC a few weeks ago, and will be doing many of the same things you've done.


fourrunner's FZJ80 heavy duty battery cable kit.

Do you have a link.

I am also fighting the urge to stop modding the 80 and do more PM's I know I will be happier in the long run and it gives a good piece of mind when you step out on the trail that everything is in tip top shape.


Do you have a link.

I am also fighting the urge to stop modding the 80 and do more PM's I know I will be happier in the long run and it gives a good piece of mind when you step out on the trail that everything is in tip top shape.

Airmonger, Here's the link to Fourrunner's FZJ80 Heavy Duty Battery Cable Sets. These are superbly made and priced right... very happy with them.

Yeah... Mods are always more fun. The never ending preventive maintenance... I guess is just part of owning an 80. :)


красный октябрь
Airmonger, Here's the link to Fourrunner's FZJ80 Heavy Duty Battery Cable Sets. These are superbly made and priced right... very happy with them.

Yeah... Mods are always more fun. The never ending preventive maintenance... I guess is just part of owning an 80. :)

That kit is worth it for the terminals alone. I have looked high and low locally for good cables and ends, and there is no way I could replicate that for what four runner is charging.


click click click tack tack tack tap tap tap... Something like that!

I first noticed the clicking, tacking, tapping sound (one distinct sound, just not sure how to describe it) coming from the driver side front wheel area the night my wife picked me up at the airport around 3 weeks ago. The sound was more pronounced at speeds above 30 mph and while driving on the freeway. The sound did not increase with speed... was if it was variable in tone and audible only above 30 mph or so. One night the sound got me so freaked out I pulled off the 405 and retourqed all of the lug nuts just for peace of mind for the drive home. My initial thoughts were... the birfs going bad, something is seriously loose, maybe the valves are knocking, or wheel bearings are worn. I quickly ruled out the valves knocking or any thing in the engine. Thought maybe its was the idler pulley bearing, nope. At idle the engine sounds perfect... high revs in neutral and throughout the spectrum, sounded great as well.
After having some work done at Top Line, I was hoping the sound would magically disappear... the slight high frequency vibe is gone now though, with the replacement of front and rear u-joints. I was determined to figure this out... I checked what seemed to be every nut and bolt that I could get to, inspected the LC from tent to tire, yet that noise was kicking my but. Drove down to a gravel lot and did a bunch of tight turns and figure eights with and without the lockers engaged and also in low, no sound. I wasn't a 100% for sure in ruling out the birfs, but with all the tight turns slow and in low with no noise I was stumped. Came back home and jacked up the front end to check the wheel bearings, no play. While the wheels were up I took a rubber mallet and started tapping and banging the tires and wheels... sure enough on the driver side, I heard a slight tack sound. With a good looksy, I found the inboard wheel balance weight loose with around 3mm of deflection. Holy shmoly could this be the culprit? When tapping the weight against the wheel it produced the sound that I'd been hearing. Wow this is what had been freaking me out... a stinkin' wheel weight. :Wow1:
I cut a piece of cardboard to wedge in between the weight and wheel and covered with tape. Then spent a good portion of my afternoon driving the same roads at the same speeds with no clicking, tacking, or tapping sounds to be heard. And to think I was probably minutes away from calling CDan to order new birfs and a front end rebuild kit. Plan on taking the LC to Allen tires and having them rebalance the wheel with new weights to completely rule it out, until then I'm keeping my fingers crossed... I'm pretty sure though. :ylsmoke:

Here's the culprit wedged and taped.


And here's some pics with the MAF drop brackets removed and with the Slee 3* castor correction bushings installed.



We were hoping to make it out to Joshua Tree last week, but we just couldn't pull are schedules together. Keeping our fingers crossed for OvEx in May. And am itching to recon Mohave road before I bring the family. Were (mostly me) seriously itching for some trail and tent time... stay tuned friends. :)
Wow, that's got to be a relief. Noise identified and it's about as cheap and minor a fix as they come!

Hope to see you at OX12. I'm planning to drive the Mojave Road with Overland Nomads on the way there.


красный октябрь
I first noticed the clicking, tacking, tapping sound (one distinct sound, just not sure how to describe it) coming from the driver side front wheel area the night my wife picked me up at the airport around 3 weeks ago. The sound was more pronounced at speeds above 30 mph and while driving on the freeway. The sound did not increase with speed... was if it was variable in tone and audible only above 30 mph or so. One night the sound got me so freaked out I pulled off the 405 and retourqed all of the lug nuts just for peace of mind for the drive home. My initial thoughts were... the birfs going bad, something is seriously loose, maybe the valves are knocking, or wheel bearings are worn. I quickly ruled out the valves knocking or any thing in the engine. Thought maybe its was the idler pulley bearing, nope. At idle the engine sounds perfect... high revs in neutral and throughout the spectrum, sounded great as well.
After having some work done at Top Line, I was hoping the sound would magically disappear... the slight high frequency vibe is gone now though, with the replacement of front and rear u-joints. I was determined to figure this out... I checked what seemed to be every nut and bolt that I could get to, inspected the LC from tent to tire, yet that noise was kicking my but. Drove down to a gravel lot and did a bunch of tight turns and figure eights with and without the lockers engaged and also in low, no sound. I wasn't a 100% for sure in ruling out the birfs, but with all the tight turns slow and in low with no noise I was stumped. Came back home and jacked up the front end to check the wheel bearings, no play. While the wheels were up I took a rubber mallet and started tapping and banging the tires and wheels... sure enough on the driver side, I heard a slight tack sound. With a good looksy, I found the inboard wheel balance weight loose with around 3mm of deflection. Holy shmoly could this be the culprit? When tapping the weight against the wheel it produced the sound that I'd been hearing. Wow this is what had been freaking me out... a stinkin' wheel weight. :Wow1:
I cut a piece of cardboard to wedge in between the weight and wheel and covered with tape. Then spent a good portion of my afternoon driving the same roads at the same speeds with no clicking, tacking, or tapping sounds to be heard. And to think I was probably minutes away from calling CDan to order new birfs and a front end rebuild kit. Plan on taking the LC to Allen tires and having them rebalance the wheel with new weights to completely rule it out, until then I'm keeping my fingers crossed... I'm pretty sure though. :ylsmoke:

Here's the culprit wedged and taped.


And here's some pics with the MAF drop brackets removed and with the Slee 3* castor correction bushings installed.



We were hoping to make it out to Joshua Tree last week, but we just couldn't pull are schedules together. Keeping our fingers crossed for OvEx in May. And am itching to recon Mohave road before I bring the family. Were (mostly me) seriously itching for some trail and tent time... stay tuned friends. :)


I hate to admit this, but here, in this forum I will. I have some exotic motorcycles over the years, and I had a YZF750SP a few years ago. I rode it hard, track days, etc, and at about 7000 miles it picked up a "rattle". I talked to some folks who "knew Yamahas" and they convinced me it was either a cam bearing cap, or a valve. So I buy all these parts to prep for pulling the head, you know head gasket kit, valves seals, everything, and when I strip it down, I find two of the nuts that hold the exhaust on the head are loose. like hand tight loose. before I do anything else, I torque them down, and take the bike for a spin. Guess rattle. I still have that gasket kit, and associated parts in a bin in the garage.

no real moral to the story I just felt dumb for not catching such a simple problem sooner.



Very Slick! How heavy is the tailgate now that its loaded?

I notice most people have their awning mounted on the passenger side. Any particular reason?


Hope to see you at OX12. I'm planning to drive the Mojave Road with Overland Nomads on the way there.

As the days get closer we'll know for sure if we'll be able to make it to OX12. Planning on Mohave Road shortly after OX12, so blaze a nice path for me to follow.

Dude, no real moral to the story... I just felt dumb for not catching such a simple problem sooner.

Main thing is you figured it out and thats what counts. :ylsmoke:


Very Slick! How heavy is the tailgate now that its loaded?

I notice most people have their awning mounted on the passenger side. Any particular reason?

With the addition of WagonGear's tailgate lid and readily accessible stored things and such its around double the weight I'd think. I really like having easy access to things that you don't need on a daily basis, but when you really need it its readily available... i.e. first aid kit, spares, manuals, tools, jumper cables, you get the picture.

Decided on mounting the awning on the passenger side just for the simple fact that when parallel parked or pulled off the trail the awning could be extended without being in the road or passing vehicles.

Brought the LC to Allen Tires and had the drivers side front tire rebalanced with a new weight... it was the culprit. No more noise :wings: Thank the Lord.


красный октябрь

Very Slick! How heavy is the tailgate now that its loaded?

I notice most people have their awning mounted on the passenger side. Any particular reason?

I love the way you organized the back, I'd do the same, but I use my third row for the other two kids, so all my stuff has to go on the outside.

its quite obvious you are in the Military.


I love the way you organized the back, I'd do the same, but I use my third row for the other two kids, so all my stuff has to go on the outside.

its quite obvious you are in the Military.

Thanks Dave, It must be the old OD green wool Army blanket on the right that gave me away :sombrero:. I served 8 years in the Army Reserve... 100th Batt. /442nd Inf. as a 11B. Got out in 2000 and reenlisted into the USCG active duty as an Aviation Maintenance Technician. I'm a fixer / flyer... meaning I'm a mechanic on the aircraft and serve as a Flight Mechanic (crew chief / hoist operator) on the 65's. I give fellows like you the big Thanks... For keeping our country safe. Thank You. :)


I saw that you used 3 Bajarack mounts for the awning. Was that so that the awning didn't rattle on the set screws for the rack? How do you like the ARB awning?
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I saw that you used 3 Bajarack mounts for the awning. Was that so that the awning didn't rattle on the set screws for the rack? How do you like the ARB awning?

Airmonger, I use 3 Bajarack mounts for the added security and stability. The awning is well clear of the set screws. For the price the ARB it serves its purpose extremely well, provides lots of coverage from the sun, and is relatively easy to deploy. If money was not an issue, I would have gone with a Hannibal awning though. The guy lines on the ARB can be a pain with kids, my only real complaint.

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