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  • Wow thanks for the time to respond to my questions , it means a lot! I am looking at one that's a private seller so I'm guessing I need to just try to get underneath and look at as much as possible if I'm able to . They told me only the front brakes have been replaced and it's got 80k , do you think that's hard to believe that that is the only thing that's been repaired?
    The only thing I have replaced are the control arms. Your compressor is probably fine and its not the sunroof. its just the drains need to be cleaned. I do have a bad low coolant sensor and low tire pressure sensor but those doesn't have to be changed. its just annoying.
    I want to say I paid around 16 for mine. I was looking at an LR4 in the 20k range but I picked the LR3 because of how good of shape it came in. Things I looked at were
    Interior- Are there scuff marks from children, stains, cuts, and marks on the headliner? This will tell you if it was a soccer mom rig, which may not be a good thing without maintenance records
    When I bought mine I made them put it on the rack after the test drive. I did this for several reasons, I wanted to check for leaks and see if there were any scrapes on the A-arms, frame and axels. This will tell you if it was ever taken off road.
    On my rig I could tell that the front shocks had been replaced in 2012-13, Big white sticker.
    As for lift, it helps while offroading because it gives you two extra inches in regular mode. in off road mode u are limited to 25 mph.
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