Search results

  1. N

    2017 Ridgeline

    This actually looks really good. I predict a big seller.
  2. N

    Chevy Colorado - Anyone Here Driving One?

    Looks hideous, with the way the roof bulges and then meets up with the cap.
  3. N

    Yet another Suzuki samurai build

    Nice work, keep em coming,
  4. N

    2000 Tacoma Reg Cab

    Nice, do you sleep in the back with the soft-topper at all?
  5. N

    The Tortuga !

    'La Tortuga'
  6. N

    NEW RIG: 2012 F-150 FX4

    Nice one, last of the good looking F150s :)
  7. N

    Opinions wanted...

    Dually sounds more fun. That way you get some time exclusively to yourself too
  8. N

    New (to me) Samurai

    Just noticed you said it was spring over axle when you bought it. I'm interested because I see a lot of them with this done (e.g., But I've always been reluctant to buy with that kind of work done to it. Were you looking for this in...
  9. N

    New (to me) Samurai

    Rig looks awesome man, jealous.
  10. N

    New (to me) Samurai

    Nice! look forward to seeing the end result.
  11. N

    New (to me) Samurai

    Not sure yet, I need a project and learned to drive in a Sammie (well SJ410 in New Zealand) so have always wanted my own. Would love to get a trailer and make a slow moving expo build but wonder if it's just easier getting a Tacoma ? Gotta go drive the Zuk first and see if i fall in love again.
  12. N

    New (to me) Samurai

    Nice! I'm going to check a Sammie this weekend, as impractical as it's gonna be i think i'd rather be smiling while i'm driving :)