¡Vida es buena!

In the last shot above, I stopped at a gas station hoping the rain would slack....... nope. I musterd up, left the store clerk a $1 tip to have to mop up after me.... and hit the road again.

I was blessed with a big rays of sunshine after the rain stopped.

I grew closer to Mike's place on Lake Corpus Christi. But, because I didnt have detailed maps of the area in the GPS, I had to search for it like a geocache. After being unsucessful and the sun going down, I stopped in Sandia, Texas, to ask a sheriff where I needed to go. Him--"Down the road, the first pavement to your right, take a right at the quickstop." Me---"Thanks, take it easy, write the next guy a ticket!" Him---"You be careful on that thing" Me "Yes-sir, trying to get off the road before the road rats (deer) get out!"

So, just incase you were wondering. I was still looking for a geocache'd house. Geo-referencing and encoding has a problem with addresses. It takes a lot of math to try and get an address transferred into a nice healthy lat/long waypoint.... well, mine was off by about a mile. I had the address but no phone number. I think i find it so I go to knock on the door. Sure enough there is a dual sport bike tire on a trailer out front, and a KLR under the carport. Must be the right place. Hmmmm downstairs, lets go see if the door's unlocked. Yep. Hmmm more bikes!




The View

Host and Hostess. Thanks again guys! Mike and his wife let me borrow their bottom floor. I joined them at a friend's house for BBQ later that evening, giving my clothes time to dry out after the evening's time in the rain.

The next morning, I woke up to an ominous sky.... soon to be rain. Late start.

We ate breakfast, my first time to have breakfast tacos. Very nice. Saddled up, said my thank-yous and good-byes, headed south. The road away from my hosts' house was nice and curvey for a change.... until I got to Hwy 281 which is a whole lot of nothingness for and flatness for 150 miles or so.

But, the mesquite trees divided the hwys and cacti lined the ditches.


Sunflower fields.

Tamaulipas plates on the trucks. Must be time to move back to Mehico?
My list of mistakes......

So, what not to do. Don't forget to do your paper work. Don't listen to the guys that wave you through. Don't drive into Mexico without insurance. Don't forget to go to a casa de cambio to get your pesos. Dont trust Mexicans in Reynosa. DONT get off the main streets. Dont pull over for a federale unless he's pointing a gun at you.... DONT do the speed limit if the traffic is going faster than you. Don't pull out a wad of money infront of a bunch of poor people....

So here's my story about Mexico. While I was going through Edinburg and into Pharr, I noticed the bike making the clunking noise. I pulled over to check it out... chain was loose. Ok, tighten her up. Get going again.... this time, I'm actually pulling into the border. Well.... I get to the gate that you drive through... I get a bell and there is a guy to the side that waves me through... ummmm ok.... I get to the check station and the guys are eating lunch.... they wave me through. I get to the Military check point.... they wave me through... wait, wasnt I supposed to do some sort of paperwork???? Where was I supposed do this? I had heard somewhere that there was another place to do paperwork several miles at the official checkpoint outside of the border zone... was this what I was supposed to do? NOPE! Where the first guy was waving me through, was where I was supposed to park and go do the paperwork.

So, if you cross at Pharr, when you get to the border gate, go to the nice new building to your right. Park and go in to do the paperwork.

After I was waived through the border.... I exclaimed "I'm in Mexico! Whoo hoo!" A couple miles later, while on Hwy 2 going to Hwy 40, my whoo hoo definately turned to "Oh no." The clunking became incredibly worse but I noticed it didnt clunk at speed. I continued to Hwy 40 but after several stop lights, I noticed the clunking becoming steadily worse until I stopped at a PeMex to check it out... couldnt see anything. I didnt know what to check and I didnt know what to do besides turn back.

I had 6 delimas. 1) I had not properly immigrated 2)I had not purchased Mex insurance since it was sunday and no offices that I passed were open. 3) I had no Pesos. 4) I was almost out of gas. Gas is cheaper in Mex, and I had timed it to fill up on hwy 40. 5) My bike's clunking was getting continually worse. 6) I had no cell service to try and call anyone to see what to check.

I turned back. Driving through the heart of Reynosa, following signs for el Puente Internacional. I eventually didnt make a turn... and went through a bad-ish neighbor/shanty town..... I didnt see any more signs.... So I stopped and asked a federale. He pointed me back to my missed turn and then tried to stop me... im guessing for a tip.... wanting some spare change or something. I have no idea... but I didnt stop. He followed me a few blocks, with his lights on, maybe he was making sure I got going the right way? Eventually he turned around and I'm now at the border again.

So, now my mexico pictures....



Notice that I am on the Mexican side of the line? and looking at the US side of the Rio Grande. My only proof that I was in Mexico besides my GPX tracks and SPOT tracks.
The "No-tell" motels.

I'm sure some of you have heard of these.... any of you who have traveled to Mexico/Latin America know of these.

But, I finally got to see one for myself. Unfortunately, I was avoiding nails in the road and keeping ahead of the dodge cars to get a picture.

Well, these hotels are setup so that you can drive into them and then drive into a carport and close the door, hiding your car. You are then able to discretely pay for, as I saw at one of these, 6 hours or less, or more at a time.
And I hear people say Mexicans aren't smart. Not the best idea, but a smart one for the use.

I wouldnt stay at one of these hotels for fear of catching something by sleeping on the bed....

I thought the ingenuity was interesting.
Since I turned back... I had to go through the border.... well, the line was long.... and after sitting there for 30 minutes or so, one of the illegal vendors selling stuffed horses told me that he rides a moto and that he cuts the line when he crosses... OK, cool... so I wait till the line clears and then start weaving in and out... then get stuck..... The guy comes back up to me and gets my attention then steps out infront of a car to make them stop and he let me go and then directed me kind of on a shoulder wide enough for me to get close to the front of the line. I went about 3 times as far in 3 minutes as it took me to go in 30 minutes!

So, I get to the guy that asks you questions. He asked me how long I had been in Mexico.... "about an hour". Him--"You're packed awefully heavy for an hour's ride in Mexico...." me-- "yeah I'm having bike trouble and I dont think I crossed correctly..." Him-- as he motioned for the drug dog to come over.... "Let me see your credentials. So what was the problem?" Me-- "well, when I crossed at Pharr they pretty muched waived me through... I knew I was supposed to do my papework, but I didnt know where to go... and I heard that there was a checkpoint later where you do your paperwork, but had a feeling that wasnt so."
He then went on to explain where I was supposed to go and basically made me feel stoooopid. I agreed with him and he said vaya con dios, hombre.

After I crossed back over, I headed towards the bike shop that the border agent gave me directions to... After forgetting the directions, I stopped and asked a McAllen cop. He gave me directions and then asked me what I was up to. I told him my story. He asked me if I was afraid to go into Mexico by myself..... well, I admitted that Hwy 2 from Pharr to Hwy 40 in Reynosa scared the mess out of me. He told me the gang signs there, which I remembered seeing a couple that he described. One of the gangs are called the "Zetas" a large, multi-colored ZZZs. He said these are the guys that stop you and take your stuff.... OK, well, I'll try to avoid them.

I found the Honda dealership... but its still Sunday. They open at 9:00 on Monday morning. Time to find a hotel room... its about to rain again. I get checked in and unload. I try to figure out whats wrong with the bike. Still didnt know.

So, there's my way of getting the rear wheel off the ground. Side stand, pull it over and lean against the pole..... it worked. I lubed my chain while I was at it.


loosening the pack and tightening things back up... oh and drying them out again.

This is why I got a hotel room....


So I beat the folks to the dealer there on Monday morning. I go inside to ask for a mechanic and they soon had me and the bike out of the rain checking things out. Of course, we couldnt get the symptoms to show up.... so they put the bike on a stand.


We'll they went through a bunch of ideas and finally figured out it was the wheel bearing.

So, this is what it looks like...

Thats what caused all the fuss.
I talked with the mechanic for a while, in Spainglish. He is from Linares, which is just north of the mountains where I was wanting to go. He said his son was there now riding 4wheelers. He gave his family a call to check on the weather and how the conditions of the roads were in the mountains. The weather that pounded McAllen and Reynosa for the last couple of days also affected the Sierra Madres where I wanted to go.

After discussing with him, my wife, and consulting my bank funds.... I decided I couldnt afford going back to Mexico after I had spent my entire week's budget for being in Mexico on paying for a hotel room because of the rain and the mechanic bill. So, I began heading north... dissappointed.

I did make it to Mexico.


great storytelling!!!
sorry for your misadventure, but at least your bike didn't break down to a point where you could not ride it at all and you got back safely!

a lot of things you mention remind me of my first trips to mexico, luckily for me though I had a local guide - my girlfriend at that time (and now my wife) to tell me what to do and what not to do.

I know it's dissapointing not to finish the trip but try to think about it this way - you learned a lot of good lessons and can better prepare for the next trip. also, if I may make one suggestion - I bet you travelling with a friend ( or a couple of friends even better) who have more experience there will be safer, more relaxing, and probably more exciting since you'll be able to share everything with a friend.

I live in San Diego (on the border with Tijuana) and the border crossing here is the largest border crossing in the world! Even though there are more than a dozen lanes the line to get back to US usually takes a couple hours, but once I waited for 5. Motorcycles never wait in line and always ride in between the cars all the way up to the checkpoint pretty much - it is considered normal practice and I've done it myself too.

THANK A LOT for sharing your story!

oh, and that bearing looks pretty bad... :)
viter said:
great storytelling!!!
sorry for your misadventure, but at least your bike didn't break down to a point where you could not ride it at all and you got back safely!

a lot of things you mention remind me of my first trips to mexico, luckily for me though I had a local guide - my girlfriend at that time (and now my wife) to tell me what to do and what not to do.

I know it's dissapointing not to finish the trip but try to think about it this way - you learned a lot of good lessons and can better prepare for the next trip. also, if I may make one suggestion - I bet you travelling with a friend ( or a couple of friends even better) who have more experience there will be safer, more relaxing, and probably more exciting since you'll be able to share everything with a friend.

I live in San Diego (on the border with Tijuana) and the border crossing here is the largest border crossing in the world! Even though there are more than a dozen lanes the line to get back to US usually takes a couple hours, but once I waited for 5. Motorcycles never wait in line and always ride in between the cars all the way up to the checkpoint pretty much - it is considered normal practice and I've done it myself too.

THANK A LOT for sharing your story!

oh, and that bearing looks pretty bad... :)

Thanks for the compliments and comments. I had a friend that was supposed to go with me... I showed up to his house after not being able to catch him on the phone, "uh I dont think i'll be making this one......"

10-4 so I took off. I prefer having someone ride along with me, but had trouble finding anyone interested. There is a group going in October, and I should be going with them, but we'll see.


I managed to skirt the storms fo most of the rest of the day. I made it to Corpus Christi and Padre Island. I wanted to check out the coastal towns because my wife has been wanting to go to the beach for a while. Padre and Mustang Islands are nice. I'm thinking Port Aransas will be the vacation spot. (No pictures from there) I had to catch the ferry before it stormed again...


Mustang Island SP. Notice the vehicle in the distance on the right.... its stuck.
spent my last night of the trip in Port Lavaca, Tx. I had a view of the bay from my room at the Motel 6.

By the way, let me just say that I actually enjoy Motel 6's. They are always clean, basic and cheap. What more do you need?

From Port Lavaca, I continued north until I hit Galveston. I didnt realize there was a toll on the south end of Galveston Island. I spent my last $2 cash crossing onto Galveston Island. But, it was better than being inland.

I got a kick out of the colorful houses.... millions... ****, billions of dollars worth of real estate along the Gulf coast's hurricane strike zone. I don't get it... but I've never lived on the coast before.

Apparently the United States... even Texas compared to Louisiana.... is more civilized than Mexico.

There were at least 10 signs saying that it is illegal to line skip. Up to $500 fine. Great..... I didnt need the fine.... so I decided to wait in the back of the line. I was the 5th to last one on.... and the last person off the ferry. I wheelied off to show my disliking to American laws about ferry boat line skipping.

Of the dozen or so ferries I have used in Louisiana, there are NO signs displayed showing the whining-ness of A/C'd motor vehicles. Heck, I'd never even gotten a honk as I would idle up to the front of the line. I do the same at railroad crossings.




Shortly after I got off the ferry... I stopped at the Outrigger Cafe (I think) and had a big ole shrimp stuffed potato. Tater was good but the shrimp were bad....

The sign that sums up my trip.... :trust:
Shortly after lunch, I made it to probably the most adventurous part of my trip. Texas Hwy 87. As some of you guys know, the hwy has been closed since 1990 after decades of being repeatedly washed away by the sea. It is now a nice long, empty stretch that particularly challenges the motorcyclists. It is also recomended to not travel the route without 4wd as deep sand, rough areas, and debris can make travel difficult. It is fun none the less. In the 20+ miles of track, I passed only 1 vehicle...








I noticed this black area off to me left.... it was a small-ish area, non agricultural, and seemed isolated (no roads) My guess is that it was from a fire started from lightening. It caused a cool lookin desert-ish heat wave. This was mid afternoon in Texas....
The home stretch. It was a nice run heading home.... New-to-me roads. OK, so dang near all of these roads were new to me. I managed to find some twisty roads as I headed north through Texas's piney woods. A welcome relief to the straight roads of southern Texas. Finally gave my sidewalls a work out. Hwy 87 North from Newton to Hemphill is great. Fast easy curves and smooth road.


I got farther north as my shadow grew longer.

Crossing the Toledo Bend reservoir. Finally back up to normal water levels. Looks great. The water was even clear-ish for a change.


Welcome home! Wait. I still have an hour! But no more pictures to prove it!

I guess thats all.:rider:


Expedition Leader
Nice detail in your report. Quite a bit of adversity, but you handled it all like a champ and still had a great trip. Nice! :costumed-smiley-007
Ursidae69 said:
Nice detail in your report. Quite a bit of adversity, but you handled it all like a champ and still had a great trip. Nice! :costumed-smiley-007

Had to do what I had to do! I'm going back in October I reckon.... or doing the Trans America Trail in Arkansas...

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