I just picked this set up at Costco for $19.99
I'm glad you can make use of the idea. I picked up one 40" x 72" black movers blanket for $4.39 (on sale and 20%-off coupon), and grabbed some black hem binding tape at JoAnn for another two bucks or so (you'll need to bind the edges you cut or the stuffing will come out), and from that made (so far) four custom padded bags - the three for the trail camera components, and the larger one below. Takes no time at all to sew them, they're very inexpensive, and do a great job protecting things.I love the continued use of the Harbor Freight moving blankets to make custom sized, padded, storage bags. Another idea I'm stealing. Thank you!
I'm glad you can make use of the idea. I picked up one 40" x 72" black movers blanket for $4.39 (on sale and 20%-off coupon), and grabbed some black hem binding tape at JoAnn for another two bucks or so (you'll need to bind the edges you cut or the stuffing will come out), and from that made (so far) four custom padded bags - the three for the trail camera components, and the larger one below. Takes no time at all to sew them, they're very inexpensive, and do a great job protecting things.
It's a really nice and cost-effective way to keep gear nice in the Jeep.
I've had an inner fender ammo can mount in my LJ for the past month or two and it's working out great. Right now I'm getting the Jeep ready for a trip to Moab/EJS followed by Death Valley and the Mojave Desert and I'll be using this ammo can to carry my trail camera system when I'm not on the trail. ]
Hey Jeff, where in the Mojave/Death valley are you going? I was going to add that to EJS myself again this year, we did DV last year and the Mojave Road last fall and the guys I was with are doing more of it this year after EJS but i have to come back here on Easter.