1991 tow truck conversion


My aplogies Jeffrey my comment was not intended to offend
I just get ******** to bits when I hear people who think sitting behind a computer should pay heaps and sitting behind a wheel for hours a day every day should pay bugger all so when they buy somthing of E bay it wont cost much in freight
Not sure if you run the truckies grapevine in the states
but here if your in the industry you can normaly get anything freighted anywhere simply by word of mouth and old contacts
failing that, if you have the skills you could take a leaf out of Alans book and build your own


Jeff ........ That is sick. I'm not even sure what is....looks a bit like the GTV300ie model we get here. It's smaller though isn't it? With a power pipe.....really cool....sorry for the OT...couldn't resist.

Thanks, that was a wreck that I banged back into shape. It has no instruments, probably not road legal in the legal sense. But I even cross the Canadian Border with it regularly. see it here


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Thanks for the link Jeff. The little 125 I just bought as is, belonged to an 87 year old....who traded it in on a new 300. Hope I'm still that active if I live that long!!! The scooter has bark off it everywhere and curled levers so maybe he wasn't such a good rider though !!!

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Thanks for the link Jeff. The little 125 I just bought as is, belonged to an 87 year old....who traded it in on a new 300. Hope I'm still that active if I live that long!!! The scooter has bark off it everywhere and curled levers so maybe he wasn't such a good rider though !!!

If hes still riding at 87 John, he's a good rider


So, I picked up the butt end of a '91 FE the other day for $300 with the rear axle, brakes, springs, etc. It also had been used as a flat bed dump and after it was wrecked they just torched off the whole rear end and left it in the corner of their shop for about 6 years.


It was cut off about a foot short of what I needed but I got a couple of good old boys down in the Skagit flats to stretch it and bolt it onto my truck.



They also built a nice little 10' long by 88" wide dump bed for it.


Now if I put a cabover camper on it I'll be able to tilt the cab any time I want.


Or if I really want to take the camper for a ride :



Nice Jeffery
and here we are on Alans thread talking about legs for slide ons
all you need is a winch and gravity
problem solved


The tipper *** end was the same,used to buy them off Wanless,was cheaper than spending wages to rebuild chassis... and kept transport happy too!!!
Bloody island rust...
It certainly is coming along nicely!!!


Front brake woes

So, I'm replacing the front brakes, new wheel cylinders, shoes, springs, etc. The right side comes apart nicely even the lug nuts come right off with a Harbor Freight 3/4" rattle gun. The lugs come off on the left side fine but the brakes are very tight, I have to stand on a 1" breaker to turn the wheel and the adjusters are frozen. Even with the outside bearing off I can barely wiggle the drum and I can't turn it at all, of course my front springs are up in British Columbia being copied so that doesn't help. The adjusters have been bathed in PB Blaster for a few hours and still will only move one notch back and forth. I pulled a drum off my spare rear end and it looks almost perfect. It appears to me that the drums are identical front and rear only the hubs are different. Is that correct? I may be able to crack the left front drum with a sledge and get it off. It's probably massively heat checked jugdging by the rust scale on the outside and the amount of drag, so it may be worthless anyway. Or I may be able to unbolt the wheel cylinders and grind the heads off the spring keepers from the back of the backing plate and pull the whole assembly off. Any other suggestions?


The wheelbase is unchanged at 108.9" the frame was clipped at the very end so it has very little overhang. I could have hung the bed further back or added to the rear frame but it was already fabricated for a dump bed and I like it short. I will probably put a 12' body on the 10' bed though.


Got the LH drum off today a little more soaking and a proper brake adjusting spoon did the trick. I think both adjusters were all the way out, once they got a turn on them they moved nicely.

I might take a look at these bodies next week in Vancouver, looks like a possible start for a camper. 11'6" long, 90" wide might be a little short inside but maybe a candidate for a pop top ? The price is right at $695 http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/bnc/ptd/3665949018.html


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