Yeah, I just tried again it wouldn't let me. IIRC I had to add some sort of trailer package to the WT to get it to allow a diesel but this morning it won't do it at all.
I honestly don't get the attraction to diesel if it's not for fuel range. That's why I want one, 30 MPG. It would seem for fleet sales having a diesel option on base and WT would be good. I dunno.
That is what I was thinking...fleet sales, you would think those guys would gobble it up...even then...if it I was the business owner penny pincher. Everyone one would be in the 2WD gasser for $20K, (can we get the price down to $17K a piece if I buy 30 of them!?
For a long time, RC 4 banger trucks were the auto parts runners staple...I am seeing more and more subcompact cars that get 40 mpg doing that duty.
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