4Door Bronco build

big a

Well, it turned out awesome!!!! That's funny! Well, again, the bumpers look great. I'm glad you meantioned where you got the hinge. I looked that place up and they have all kinds of stuff to build ur own bumpers. When you compare $1500 shipped for a bumper with swings, a cpl hundred n parts from them and some steel, and u have a custom bumper for less than a quarter to third the price! When I'm able to get back around to the Bronco, I'll do the same!


Inactive Member
Just beautiful.

Anyone who can make 4 doors open and close right on a Bronco impresses me greatly. I can't do it, I'm sure I'll figure it out one day, but I know it ain't easy.


New member
Things are finally coming together. Top back on, doors on working and fitting correctly, and bumpers mounted. Still needs a little cleaning and detail work to be done, but we're getting close.

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Our friend Chad has been by the last 2 nights to help out. It's nice having some one who's restored a couple of Broncos and knows what needs to be done. He just went right to it. Thanks, buddy.
Here's a preview of what it will look like when we are going down the road. My little camera can hardy do it justice.

It was a good productive weekend for sure. Glad I was able to help out.


Punch list getting shorter by the hour. Fuel cans and spare mounted. Have to pick up a hi-lift in the morning. Two 4" led lights mounted on the front stinger.



Upholster guys will be there in the morning to finish the headliner and speakers. Terrance will finish detailing tomorrow evening. Thursday will be clean and touch up day, then Friday AM we will head over to the Super Celebration in Townsend.

big a

Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was a super fast assy! Wow, simiply amazing!!!! I truly hope I get to see it in real life some day!!!!!

Awesome Work Patl!!!!!



New member
Congratulations Big Brother

I have been keeping up with your build it looks awesome. If I was home I would try to make it up there this weekend. Great job you make my proud.


Hey Andy,
That's my brother Richard who is currently working out of the country.
Thanks brother- wish you and Jonnette could be here with us. This whole build will be dedicated to dad. Don't know if you ever saw the pictures of him and his buddies after the war. They pooled their money together, bought an old model A, and took a trip out to California. He would tell the greatest stories about how the old car couldn't pull the mountain passes in 1st gear and they would have to turn around and back up for miles to get over. Ever since I have had dreams of following his trip out to the giant Sequoias and Redwoods, and the Pacific ocean. Just like ya'll did a couple years back. Trying to talk Thomas in to coming out West with me in the Fall.

big a

Man, that's really neat! I truly have dreams of finishing mine and doing exactly that. My wife and I have 3 little ones, 12, 10 & 2. I hope to forge memories like that as well!

I hope this Bronco delivers all that and more to ya my friend!!!!!
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Big day is finally here. Tomorrow we will be at Townsend,Tn. for the Bronco Driver Super Celebration. If you are local come out and see us in the field behind Tally Ho Inn. A bit muddy, but we should have a couple of halfway decent days.
Got the graphics on last night and Thomas and his family are putting the final touches on the detailing now.

graphics 001.JPG

big a

Wow!!!!! That's a sweet tatoo!!!!!!!
U made it!!! Congrats Sir!!!!! Now then, please post up some pics when u return!!!

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