We did what you are thinking about in 1988. New basic 4x4 reg. cab Toyota for under $10,000.00 out the door. Added a used FWC Fleet model camper for $2,500.00 and hit the road. We used that set up for 10 years all over the western US, and I would do it again in a heartbeat . . . in fact, am considering a set up like that again. The obvious drawback is power, but other than long steep grades, it wasn't terrible, and that was the old 22ER motor (2.4 ltr.). Benefits: 1. Good gas milage and range (21 gallon tank is stock) 2. Excellent off road due to - great manuverability, tight turning radius and 4.10 gear ratio. You can go on some pretty rough trails to some pretty remote areas, and have your home on your back. I used that 88 as a DD and retired it (blown head gasket) at 394,000 miles. The guy I sold it to rebuilt the motor and I see it around town all the time. Sorry for the longish post, but as you can tell, I support your plan.