Arizona November 18-24, suggestions requested


Experience Seeker
After doing El Camino del Diablo on Nov. 16-18 with Nullifier, my father and I will be exploring Southern and Central Arizona for the week!

I'm interested in out the way scenery and camping locations as we do a counterclockwise loop from Ajo back to California. My modified Subaru does well on 3 and 4 rated trails (from the 1-10 scale in the Backcountry Adventures books), but 5 rated trails will likely be too difficult. Hopefully there won't be too much damage leftover from the monsoons!

Just about everything in Arizona will be new to me, since I've only passed through on the interstates. Short hikes (<6 miles) are welcome every day, and I don't have any interest in snow camping/hiking.

In addition to the Massey/Wilson Backcountry Adventures: Arizona, are there other reference materials I should seek out?


You won't have any problem with any of the El Camino trails. There is one rocky piece at Christmas Pass, but it certainly doesn't rate as a five. Those Massey books are good, the most recent info available at the bookstore. The book by Charles Wells is okay too, but is slanted toward more difficult terrain.

Have fun!


Expedition Leader
Ajo huh? I just about had a job there at Cabeza Prieta NWR, found out last week I didn't get it. It's beautiful there though. Have you thought about heading back toward Tucson? Hit Kitt Peak if it the road is not still under construction. Then go to the Sonoran Desert Museum, hit a few trails in the Coronado National Forest, then back up I-10 to I-8 and back toward Cali.


Experience Seeker
viatierra said:
You won't have any problem with any of the El Camino trails. There is one rocky piece at Christmas Pass, but it certainly doesn't rate as a five. Those Massey books are good, the most recent info available at the bookstore. The book by Charles Wells is okay too, but is slanted toward more difficult terrain.

Have fun!
Yeah, I've had some difficulty using the Wells books in California. With only 3 levels of difficulty, there often isn't enough resolution to determine if the Subaru can make it. And if I stick with the "easy" trails, they seem to always be smooth graded dirt roads.

Ursidae69 said:
Ajo huh? I just about had a job there at Cabeza Prieta NWR, found out last week I didn't get it. It's beautiful there though. Have you thought about heading back toward Tucson? Hit Kitt Peak if it the road is not still under construction. Then go to the Sonoran Desert Museum, hit a few trails in the Coronado National Forest, then back up I-10 to I-8 and back toward Cali.
That would've been I nice job to get! I'll check out Kitt Peak. I did go to the Museum about 15 years ago, it would be cool to go again. The general idea is to head East from Ajo to the "Mexican Border Road", then Northward near Tucson and Phoenix. And if there is time and the weather is good, we'll head up near Prescott and Sedona. So I welcome any more suggestions in those areas.



Expedition Leader

With a lifted 'buru you might be able to get thru Broken Arrow in Sedona. Do a search here for pic's, and if you decide you want to try it, I can give you directions to it. It's perhaps the most scenic trail in AZ, and offers a taste of slick rock driving. If not BA, there are many other scenic dirt roads in the Sedona area. Here's some info:

The drive/hike into Vultee Arch is great, and further to the west are some neat Anasazi ruins.

Temps for mid Nov are moderate - low 60's, low 30's.


Actually going to the 'Cuahua's this weekend. If anybody's game. Some fellow Libertys owners are going exploring. No real plans that I know of as of now. If anybody is interested, we're meeting around 8:30-at Pinery Road and Hwy 181. Here's the details:
or shoot me a pm for info.



Experience Seeker
crawler#976 said:

With a lifted 'buru you might be able to get thru Broken Arrow in Sedona. Do a search here for pic's, and if you decide you want to try it, I can give you directions to it. It's perhaps the most scenic trail in AZ, and offers a taste of slick rock driving. If not BA, there are many other scenic dirt roads in the Sedona area. Here's some info:

The drive/hike into Vultee Arch is great, and further to the west are some neat Anasazi ruins.

Temps for mid Nov are moderate - low 60's, low 30's.
After seeing the pictures of Broken Arrow in This Thread, I think I'd need a really good spotter to make it through! Especially since I'm a novice offroader on 4 wheels, even though I can ride just about anything on 2 wheels.


Expedition Leader
That happens to be a trip I went on, and it's why I think you should be OK on BA. The Zuk was bone stock.

If you work it out for a weekend, I'm ALWAYS up to a BA trip, and would be glad to spot you thru. The worst portions of the trail are optional.



Experience Seeker
crawler#976 said:
That happens to be a trip I went on, and it's why I think you should be OK on BA. The Zuk was bone stock.

If you work it out for a weekend, I'm ALWAYS up to a BA trip, and would be glad to spot you thru. The worst portions of the trail are optional.

Hmmm, that would be excellent! We could probably be there the day after Thanksgiving. Not a weekend, but a holiday for some people. Might be pretty crowded though, based on reports.


Expedition Leader
It's always crowded on BA, but it's worth the trip...

There is a "gate keeper" at the trail head. If you clear it, the trail is doable.

I don't know what's planned for my T'day yet, but I know I'm off on Friday for sure.

Let me know when you've got your trip firmed up.



Experience Seeker
crawler#976 said:
It's always crowded on BA, but it's worth the trip...

There is a "gate keeper" at the trail head. If you clear it, the trail is doable.

I don't know what's planned for my T'day yet, but I know I'm off on Friday for sure.

Let me know when you've got your trip firmed up.

I'm going to take you up on this offer! I can't pass up the local knowledge you can provide, and that looks like an awesome trail! As long as it works with your schedule, my Dad and I will plan to be there on Friday after Thanksgiving.

Maybe we could get a couple more EP members to join us and make it a meet!


Experience Seeker
Shovel said:
Just a note on the Sedona area trails... you can also run the very pretty Soldier Pass (which was WAY nicer years ago when it continued all the way to the arch and beyond) .. however don't try the little side-option to the Devil's Kitchen, it takes flexibility and clearance just not available on a subaru.

Also don't try Oak Creek Homestead in a less-capable rig, it used to be Soobworthy but there are 2 stretches this season that are challenging even to truck-based "aggressive" suv's, and the local jeep tour places stopped running that trail for safety.

Greasy Spoon / Diamondback - should be Soobworthy if you have a sump guard and a hefty pair of ball-bearings AND it hasn't rained. For your own safety please don't take a modest rig on this trail after or during a good rain, unless you've got a buddy with a more aggressive ride accompanying you. (note: good cell phone reception there just in case you need it)
Thanks for the tips! I'm really looking forward to this trip!


Expedition Leader
As i mentioned above, we don't have our T'day schedule worked out yet, so I can't commit to it 100%, but I'll say at this point it's a good possibility.

If you'd like, I'll post it up in the trips section - I'm sure you will find some Expo folks who'll come along.

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