As a freezer, Engel 84 vs Snomaster Expedition 95 vs Dometic CFX 100w

I'm still having trouble deciding. I'm a field biologist in the SW, so hot hot summers, generally warm winters with so so sun. I have 981w on my sprinter 4x4, but a lot of that is earmarked for the window unit AC I want to install. So efficiency is important. Cost is all within a few hundred of each other, so not important. Ability to maintain frozen ice cube temps is. Also, speed of cooling is nice, but I realize that usually means a more powerful, less efficient compressor. I own an ARB 50 as a fridge, and have used a Whynter 85 as a freezer. The ARB cools unevenly, but good enough. The whynter froze great, but wasn't very efficient.

The Engel is supposedly the most efficient compressor, and the most reliable over the long term. I wish the bastards would release the platinum series here in the US. Mediocre insulation means compressor has to kick on more often.

I know of no published tests or numbers on the snomaster. I do like the 70mm of insulation on it. Means the less efficient compressor kicks on less. Are these the same as edgestar/whynter/etc?

The Dometic seems fine. Better than the other unlisted brands here, but how does it compare to the above 2?

What do you smarter than I folks think?


They're all going to be pretty close in energy usage if you factor the cubic space and effective temp differential.

Much bigger difference between them in build quality though.

Go for the Engel.


Man On a Mission
I would buy the ARB 78L/83QT, The ARB is not supposed to freeze evenly, It is meant to replicate what domestic fridge freezers do so it is actually multi zoned, It would be useless if you set it '2*c to keep your beer just right and your butter and eggs were nigh on frozen, I have been testing ARB fridges for quite a while now and I can know what goes where inside them, and when set to 2*c drinks are perfectly chilled yet the Dairy compartment should be between 5 to 5.8*c warmer @ about 7 to 7.8*c,

So many people think that a fridge's temperature when set IE at 2*c that that is the Temp throughout the whole fridge but in domestic fridges the temp can vary as much as 10*c depending on where you measure them, This is done because different foods require different storage temperatures, The only way to get a uniform temperature throughout the whole fridge is to fit and internal fan but this renders the fridge pretty much useless for storing various types of food which means it can only store one type of food which means some foods will be hotter or colder than they should be,

If you must have a fridge that has little variation in temperature levels then you want the Engel MT45 because it's element goes right to the top of the main compartment and it has no Dairy section/compartment, Also I would check out their larger models to see if their elements go right to the top also, Many folks swear by Engel as do I, but due to the internal design I find them not as flexible as the ARB with it's multi zones.

Out of all the models on the market I would only buy either the ARB or the Engel because they both have the best power figures,

Hope that helps.
I already have the ARB 50l as a fridge. I find the dairy section to be worthless for spoilable goods. But, maybe as a freezer that part would act as a fridge. Like I said though, I'm looking for a freezer. I'd love someone to chime in with snomaster numbers. All I hear is anecdotal "they're great!" but no one is capable of explaining why, and don't have anything else to compare them to. I think they're just ecstatic to not have to worry about putting ice in a cooler anymore so they think whatever they have is great.


Man On a Mission
Well the Dairy section is meant for soft cheese's and butter and putting salad Items like lettuce and Tomatoes and certain fruits like Plums, need to be kept at around 10*c, Any colder than 10*c Tomatoes and Lettuce and plums etc and they loose their flavour and with some fruits Ice crystals start to form making them taste watery, Although all the above are nice when chilled they loose their flavour, Banana's get destroyed when put in the fridge and turn black and some fruits and vegetables release gases which taint other foods below certain Temps,

With the ARBs they are much like the fridge you have at home, So if you have it set to 2*c all the drinks and meat etc stay chilled in the main compartment and things that need to be cooled between 2 and 5*c need to go on the top of the items in the main compartment because that area above those drinks will be between 3 and 4*c and things like Eggs and Bacon etc work well in those temps and things like Lettuce Tomatoes and fruits and Condiments need to go in the area we call the Dairy compartment.

I have been researching this all this week and I found that whether it is the ARB or the fridges we have at home, There is a lot to know and it is not just a case of stuffing it in there where ever it fits, remembering what goes where in a fridge is a science in it's self. so having a fridge with a fan that circulates the air in a fridge means a lot of the things we eat/buy are going to get spoiled from either being too warm or too cold, Which is why the ARB's and domestic fridges are multi zoned.

When I looked into it I was left wondering how on earth is a person to remember what goes where and that is only something we can learn over a few Trips out in the Bush.

hope that helps.
Bananas either frozen or the stem ends wrapped with plastic wrap to seal off air and hung up. Laying them on anything with blacken them.


Man On a Mission
Focus, guys. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but we're getting derailed here.
We are focused, But you need to be aware of the pitfalls and why certain models are better than others,

If you want a fridge that has a natural temperature zone Then buy the Engel MT45 or one of the Larger models.
Focused on what?
You're talking about bananas and ARB models and how to place things in it as a fridge and the Engel mt45.
Original question lists 3 models, and their use as a freezer.
Again, I already have a fridge.


The variable-zone issue is in fact a very valuable consideration that would not have arisen sticking to the OP topic only.

I would say that's been answered, people won't keep saying just "I agree", the fact that no one's disagreed within your 3 choices speaks volumes.

Side digressions are part of the process here, many people learn more from those than the main topic.


Man On a Mission
Focused on what?
You're talking about bananas and ARB models and how to place things in it as a fridge and the Engel mt45.
Original question lists 3 models, and their use as a freezer.
Again, I already have a fridge.
I referred to the MT45 so you could check them out so you know what to look for in a larger model.

Sort it out for your self.
Who makes snomaster? In thousands of threads I can't recall ever having heard of them.

But ARB and Engel get hundreds of hits
Snomaster is really picking up steam. They are originally an Australian company, I believe (or S African?) BUT, they publish no hard data, and haven't been included in any good, exhaustive tests. I would love to learn more. They sure look like edgestar/whynter/etc. But claim their own 66w compressor. Enough people like them, but I think that it's a lot of people's first fridge, because everyone is an "overlander" now. So of course they're going to like them.


Whereas Engels proven by thousands of outback bashers over decades.

Does ARB actually make their own now? Still a swing compressor?

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