As if new Jeeps aren’t expensive enough….new legal ruling likely will increase standard MSRPs, will apply to other makes too


Officious Intermeddler
I hope none….cant wait for self driving cars. It will save me loads of time.

One of my younger, heavy drinker buddies recently told me he was looking forward to having a self driving car so he could get home safely from the bars. He had imagined a scenario where he could stumble out to his vehicle after closing time, climb into his AI enhanced rig and say, “Scotty, beam me up!” and let it drive him home.

It doesn’t look like you’re gonna be able to do that though, as I believe it is Utah that has already had a ruling that you can still get a DUI if you’re impaired and behind the wheel of your self driving car that’s driving itself without your input.?
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Active member
One of my younger, heavy drinker buddies recently told me he was looking forward to having a self driving car so he could get home safely from the bars. He had imagined a scenario where he could stumble out to his vehicle after closing time, climb into his AI enhanced rig and say, “Scotty, beam me up!” and let it drive him home.

It doesn’t look like you’re gonna be able to do that though, as I believe it is Utah that has already had a ruling that you can still get a DUI if you’re impaired and behind the wheel of your self driving car that’s driving itself without your input.?
A well trained horse and and attached buggy will do the same thing.


Officious Intermeddler
“I cant wait for self driving cars. It will save me loads of time”

Yeah, good point.

And I guess one sales pitch we’ll be seeing soon ? for some “urban” neighborhoods will be:

“Buy A Self Driving Car, It’ll Give You More Time To Reload!”
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SE Expedition Society
The big benefit I see is that they will surely be safer than human drivers.
You know it'll do this to you eventually.


On the interstate. In traffic.


SE Expedition Society
They'd have to be safer though... because any failure of the system will go immediately to a massive lawsuit against the manufacturer.
I'd much rather have the horse and buggy.
I like horses. I only bought a motorcycle at first so I could go visit family. I lived in Florida and had family in VA, NJ, CO ---- would've taken too long to ride a horse there.


Oil eater.
Why sit behind the wheel ?
Since the car drives itself, Why even have steering wheel ?
My desire to save time involves sending the kids to school. Then program the car to go pick them up later. I get to stay at work mouseclicking.
Based on my 300 miles Tesla, after school I can send the kids on a six hour joyride for about $8 of electricity. No more expensive daycare !
Does your Tesla get 300 miles per complete charge with four occupants and the A/C on? I'm curious how Tesla determines their range? That chicken ******** lawsuit once again absolves the driver of personal responsibility. That's a disturbing trend in this country. I hope Jeep cleans out the people who sued and their lawyer if possible.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
One of my younger, heavy drinker buddies recently told me he was looking forward to having a self driving car so he could get home safely from the bars. He had imagined a scenario where he could stumble out to his vehicle after closing time, climb into his AI enhanced rig and say, “Scotty, beam me up!” and let it drive him home.

It doesn’t look like you’re gonna be able to do that though, as I believe it is Utah that has already had a ruling that you can still get a DUI if you’re impaired and behind the wheel of your self driving car that’s driving itself without your input.?

That's because cars that exist today are not self driving, they're "driver assist", so the human is still legally in control.

Sometime in the future cars won't even have steering wheels, then your buddies dream will come true.
The argument is about if it will be in 5, 10 or 25 years.



Well-known member
“modeling done by experts determined that if …(the) emergency braking had been installed on the Jeep, (she) would not have died.”
Actually it states the auto braking technology improves survival by 60%, still a 40% chance of death.


Officious Intermeddler
Actually it states the auto braking technology improves survival by 60%, still a 40% chance of death.

??? Do tell, please…What’s your “it”?
Curious to learn more…

(I wouldn’t want to think the lawyers and experts are not telling us the full story?)


Well-known member
Yeah, I can’t enjoy driving my wife’s newer Subaru so I very rarely use it. That’s cause it has too many strange safety controls you have to turn on turn off or adjust that all deal with lane change, following too closely, and other safety junk like that that make all these distracting beeps, noises or flashing icons on the dash.

The only safety feature my old Chevy truck has Is an attentive driver who constantly scans surrounding scenery, oncoming vehicles and traffic, etc. I’ve been driving for @ 55 years and I’ve never had a ticket or accident of any kind (knock on wood).

I suppose that all this really proves though is that my wife is smarter and more talented than I am!
So true. My wifes Cross Trek has all the bells and whistles. I hate all of them except the ABS. The skid "control" actually pulls on the wheel if it detects the shoulder or centerline. AND if you are sliding on ice, it puts in the counter steering or applies a brake or ???? At any rate whatever it does it does it immediately after you have already steered into the skid effectively spinning you out the other way.... ask how I know.....

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