

Might give MonaVie EMV a try. It's a fizzy blend of natural stuff and advertised to be without jitters or crashes. I had one and it tastes better than the typical energy drink and helped me turn in a paper on time. Well, could've been the placebo effect. I figured a $4 placebo that helps me write a paper is worth it still. :sombrero:

Either way, it's an option. Give it a try and at worst you'll be out $3.50


If you really need a rush that bad, have some of your friends randomly swing by and fire a couple rounds through your window. you;ll quickly learn you don't need sleep.


Try crabbing at your spouse and sleeping more. That's what we do in lieu of caffeine. Then we go buy some more.


Expedition Leader
As mundane as it sounds, staying hydrated (8 glasses of water a day) and staying active works better than any "energy" drink. Becareful with those as they are terrible on your teeth-even the sugar free ones. The worst parts are the acids.


You might try some mate. It has caffeine in it, but it also has several other substances that work like caffeine. I like La Tranquera brand, because it has a horse on the label. Or you could try some coca tea if you are feeling adventurous! Remember, coca tea is against altitude sickness.
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Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
You might try some mate. It has caffeine in it, but it also has several other substances that work like caffeine. I like La Tranquera brand, because it has a horse on the label. Or you could try some coca tea if you are feeling adventurous! Remember, coca tea is against altitude sickness.

What exactely is it ?
And is it leagal in the states ?:Wow1::coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
If you are having trouble getting a fix from your caffeine or just want a replacement, consider ginseng for at least 45 days. I cut out my 5 - 6 RockStars per day habit and all other caffeine and started taking ginseng. I now have more energy than I did before - ask my wife - I am constantly cleaning the house now... plus there are "other" side effects...:costumed-smiley-007

But seriously, if you are no longer getting that "high" from your caffeinated drinks, consider the fact that your pituitary gland may be run down and unable to regulate your energy levels.

I am the biggest skeptic when it comes to herbs, etc., but I have become a big believer in the uses of ginseng.:chef:


Expedition Leader
If you are having trouble getting a fix from your caffeine or just want a replacement, consider ginseng for at least 45 days. I cut out my 5 - 6 RockStars per day habit and all other caffeine and started taking ginseng. I now have more energy than I did before - ask my wife - I am constantly cleaning the house now... plus there are "other" side effects...:costumed-smiley-007

But seriously, if you are no longer getting that "high" from your caffeinated drinks, consider the fact that your pituitary gland may be run down and unable to regulate your energy levels.

I am the biggest skeptic when it comes to herbs, etc., but I have become a big believer in the uses of ginseng.:chef:

I have ginseng but I forget to take it.

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