Canter FG649 SWB Camper Truck Build


Since different types (such as lead acid, Gel and AGM) batteries require different types and rates of charging, as well as different voltage levels.

Will the Redarc SBM12D VSR work with a two different battery type setup?
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As per manual :

"Do NOT use the Smart Start SBI to charge non-rechargeable batteries. Doing so may result in harm to the user and/or damage to the Smart Start SBI. Only use the Smart Start SBI for charging Standard Lead Acid, Calcium content, Gel & AGM type 12V/24V automotive batteries. It is recommended that start and auxiliary batteries be of similar chemical characteristics when charging via the Smart Start SBI."


Composting toilet

Is anyone using Natures Head composting toilet in their setup?

I have couple of questions:

1) how do you clean upper part after business since the unit is water less or without flush?
2) Is it really odorless when lid is closed or opened?

Also what are the cons you have found?

Thanks in advance.


Fitted my Natures Head in November and have been using it instead of the house loo. To answer your questions, the unit comes with a spray bottle so if you miss you just spray and wipe with toilet paper and drop into tank. 98% of the time you won't need to do anything. Once the bottle is empty just half fill with vinegar/water. Do not use chemical sprays. As for the smell, there is none as long as you hook up the 12v fan which is vented outside. As for cons, well I haven't had a bad experience so far. The best thing is no sloshing waste tank and I don't need to allocate any of my water supply.


Thanks Maninga/Raker for the tips. Smell is the main concern when living in the cabin with other half. When it comes to emptying the tank, only one person will do that job but as looking from the video it looks pretty straight forward without mess.


Sound Deadning

Anyone installed sound deadning in the cabin? Does it make difference?
Our yardstick of noise in the cabin is that we can still enjoy music when on the road at current setup, though it is not as good as quiet cabin we had in Sprinter. Also we noticed since the box has gone up the chasis, there is more engine sound coming from the back (obviously due to reflection from cabin front).


Wiring entry point in to cabin

I am going to run rear cameras wires etc in to cabin. Is there an entry point for wiring in to the cabin underneath front side?
I tried to follow some bunch of wires under the tilted cabin but they seems to disappear in to ether.


Crazy Person
If you take the front grille off you will get much easier access. Mine is a different model than yours, but I assume that they are similar in cab design. There are some existing holes near the passenger headlight, but I added a few extra in the same location, as I had quite a few cables to run into my cab.
I am a bit busy at the moment, but later today I will take some pictures for you.


Crazy Person
Here are a couple of shots of my truck, showing where I route cables to the inside of the cab.
I also installed dedicated fuse and relay modules for everything I add to the electrics. These are wired directly to the start batteries, opposed to taking power from the truck's fuse panel.

cab_wiring_01.JPG cab_wiring_02.JPG


Thanks Owen, photo is a worth thousand words.
Tonight I will check on Canter and hopefully cable routing should be the same as Isuzu. At the moment I am planning to run cables for 2x rear cameras, couple of antennas and for 2x set of lights.



Removed the front grill and it looks almost like Own posted the photo above. It is so easy when you know where to look at.

Next step how to open the dash board to access wirings?


Crazy Person
I have worked on a 2010 NPR and there is not much difference in getting the dash panels off, compared to a Fuso. It's just a whole lot of push clips and self tapping screws. You should not need any special tools.
Just be mindful when reassembling the parts that you do not use too much force doing up the screws. If you do it is pretty easy to strip the threads in the plastic lugs.

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