Crazy Food From Your Travels

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
In Australia I went on a canoe/hiking trip and we had "Bushtucka" food.
There was about a dozen different foods, but the most memorable was bbq'ed kangaroo - tasted pretty good, had the texture of well-cooked pork from what I remember. Also there was a paste made out of worm larvae of some sort, and that tasted like hummus - I ate most of it, not too many takers! lol

On a tour of the rainforest in Brazil near Manaus we visited an Indian village after going pirhana (sp?) fishing and we gave them our fish.
They cooked up a pirhana soup that was AWESOME!!!!
And it was weird having hot soup on a hot day in the middle of the amazonian jungle with 150% humidity, but the soup was great!

Then when we went back to a posh hotel in Manaus they also had a version of the pirhana soup and it tasted bland. Oh the irony...

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
I haven't done much 'world traveling':)

But I have had horse steaks, really good!

And camel steak in Kuwait. That tasted like an old boot.


You all need to come to NJ for some Pencil Points, Porkroll, Tastycakes, and Drink a Toast!!:coffeedrink:

x2...I haven't had Drink-a-toast (Boost) in years!

Are you from the Trenton area? I didn't think "Pencil Points" was that common a term...
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Does cooking freshly slaughtered meat directly on top of coals qualify as exotic food?
When out on Ops when we had to eat off the land we'd catch whatever animal was available, make a fire, and chuck the pieces of meat straight on. When it looked edible we'd just scrape the coals off with a knife and tuck in.

My bushmen troops would go one step better. They would sear the skin of the animal to seal it. It would swell up and go rock hard. They tie it on their backpack and walk around like that for a day or two brewing in the hot sun. Then cut it open, cook, and tuck in. They fought over who got the intestines, boiling bright green in a pot. :Wow1: Their comment at the sight of our disgust was "it's just grass"
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Expedition Leader
"Capybara stew I was served in the Venezuelan llanos."

mmmmm semi-aquatic giant rodent .........lovely

I prefer baked after a good skinning and clean


and for afters another venezuelan speciality dish........fried chicken feet


more locally the pit roasted and left to fester camel, can be quite nice if done properly and severly spiced before cooking......

but as others have mentioned..badly its just eugh

squid in ink is a common mediteranian food, often found in Tapas bars

When I travel I tend to stick to things I know, nothing worse than a bad tummy and 3 day bus ride and no on board loo.

One classic was some salami served on a plate in Thailand, covered in red ants- I complained ,

the waitress brushed the ants off with her hand and gave it back to me.....classic !

I often wonder if I was meant to have eaten the ants too !
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FJR Colorado

I am a gourmand but stay away from any exotic/gnarly stuff...

Yesterday I sure had a chance to sample something weird if I wanted to. I was at the Malibu, CA pier and a guy reeled in a Thresher Shark. About 80 lbs. and 4-5 ft long (mostly the thresher tail)....

Anyway, this guy says they are good eating so after about 40 minutes of pictures and gabbing he goes to work gutting and cleaning it. He reaches in and pulls out the heart and it was still beating... asks if I want to try some beating shark heart sushi.... I politely declined.


I am a gourmand but stay away from any exotic/gnarly stuff...

Yesterday I sure had a chance to sample something weird if I wanted to. I was at the Malibu, CA pier and a guy reeled in a Thresher Shark. About 80 lbs. and 4-5 ft long (mostly the thresher tail)....

Anyway, this guy says they are good eating so after about 40 minutes of pictures and gabbing he goes to work gutting and cleaning it. He reaches in and pulls out the heart and it was still beating... asks if I want to try some beating shark heart sushi.... I politely declined.

Reminds me of a day on the rocks watching a young kid with his grand dad. The old man reaches into a rock pool and pulls out an octopus. He shows the kid the beak in the middle then puts it to his mouth and bites the beak off and gives it to the kid :Wow1: :Wow1:

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Years ago my soon-to-be father in law found an opportunity to size me up. He took me to the Testical Festival outside their home town of Lincoln, Nebraska. Who knew turkey and sheep jewels tasted like fried bologna?


Expedition Leader
I dined on black corn mold in Mexico City several times - they call it huitlacoche.

Huitlacoche is becoming more popular up here in the US. I know of several Mexican restaurants in the SoCal area that have it on their menu. I believe Cafe Elote in Sedona also has some dishes with huitlacoche.
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