Crazy Food From Your Travels


New member
Ok, last fall myself and a good friend were elk hunting during the archery season in north idaho. Sittin around camp sippin whiskey one evening.(ok drinking whiskey). We were well on our way to being tatered, when a pine squirle (spelling??) started barking at us from a nearby tree. So what do we do?? I jumped up and grabbed the bb gun, pumped it up,aimed,pow. Clean kill,one shot. Then we stood there over it thinking, now what?? My buddy said ""lets eat this thing"" SO I was like allright. We skinned it out, gutted it, and threw it on the cast iron pan. A little season salt and pepper later we were dining on a cooked up pine squrlle. We were able to peel the meat right off the bone and we even cut the backstraps and a large chunk of hindquarters and cook seperate. It didnt taste to bad, I would do it again if I wasnt drunk and really hungry. My granddad use to tell me about eating them as a boy growing up in arkansaw. I ended up tacking the hide to a old stump and put the salt on it for a couple days, now I have a nice squrell hide hanging in my camper.
So a few days later I was sucsesful in my hunt and arrowed a big,fat cow elk. That night we fried up the heart with some potatoes. Nothing better.


I had haggis (willingly) in scotland. Mind you it was the deep fried variety from a chip shop, muy bien! or Reeet fine laddie!

Had haggis from a can "smuggled" in to the US....not so good.

Sqirrell is really good!


lost on the mainland
when I used to live on Lanai
my neighbor raised black labs to eat ???? never ate them not my place to say much about it ? I dont like it but oh well cant do much

but we used to eat the eyes out of uhu (Parrot fish)

a funny one !!!!!
turkey butts were common also ?
did not know what they were the first few times I had them from the BBQ :) but thought they were handy how you could poke your finger in and it would grip it so you could eat around it :)
then when I asked what kind of meat it was they started laughing looking at my finger pressed firmly into the HOLE !!! thought HMMM should I keep eating them ??

menpachi fried whole spines guts eyes everything fried till its a crisp crunchy nasty fish thing ? I hated them so never at them

in Honduras iguana was common ?
some other meats I wondered about from street vendors ???


I was trekking in NE Cambodia a few months ago. My guide whipped up some fried ants with garlic. The ants have a strong sour flavor. I could have sworn they were covered in lime juice, but it's just the ants. Fried with some garlic. Delicious. The picture sucks because we were on our second bottle of rice wine.


After fried ants and more rice wine, we fell asleep in our hammocks. When I woke up in the morning, my guide had already been fishing and had caught a snake. It was a female, full of eggs. He made sweet and sour snake soup with the eggs, and the leftover ants provided the sour kick. Not bad at all, but after a rice wine hangover, it made me a little queasy.


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