People way over do this stuff because they dig the theater of it
Dry rub
Three parts essence from that ewok looking dude from the food chanell (good stuff but if you say "BAM" your friends will punch you)
One part brown sugar
Cayenne pepper to taste
Massage that little dead piggy until he is covered in they stuff
Slow, and I mean slllloooooooowwww cook him with regular rotation so it caramelizes on all sides
I prefer hickory or mesquite but there are other religions
Fruit woods make a nice tasty smoke, but heat up you rub with a little more cayenne to balance ot out
should have told you
in a pinch you can short cut the operation a bit by upping the heat and putting soaked chips in a metal cup or a coffee and let them smoulder on the coals next to the meat
if you do it this way pull the poirk and the external crispies in with the softer warmer but a lttle less flavored bit you will have a rocking pulled pork
grown men will stand over the pan eating it with forks and dredged their fork through the drippins, you did get a pan to catch the dippins
get a little fresh tomato, chopped onions, a handful of basil and great about a half cup of good Romano cheese, someone comes at you with a green can of Kraft then strike him with and order him away from the house. Romano or parm comes from Italy, all esle is communist propoganda
simple meal
don't even need a roasting pan, get sopme real honest to god outta the damn dirt carrots, you know, the misshappen ugly ones, the ugly ones all show you the most love
about four pounds - cut 'em up obleisse, nice and big and assymetrical, get you a coule pf diffrerent colors of taters, purple and yukon gold comes to mind
about two pounds of each. Right now you need about a pint of some good peurto rican rum, limes and plenty of hole ice ice
once cut your veg is the base for your roast, racks are for food fairies , set the rubbed pork on the pile of veg
set you little cuppa smokes giong and in a couple of hours you are gonna be in pulled pork heaven
just set it out in a pile
spead out last sundays paper and that is you serving table, pile of veg with a bif *** serving for and a big *** pile of dead piggie with a serving fork
if you did it right no knives needed
and a **** ton easier than it sounds
outside procurement preptime is 30 minutes and cook time is two to four