FG's in Action


Wheel Nuts

I put that picture up because it seemed worth letting novices know what can be involved. This is my first truck, and I am lucky to have had a mentor, Pete (the pole dancer), show me the ropes. Pete made sure we packed that extra bit of pipe, not sure what we would have done without it!

The tight nuts probably relate to leaving the truck at the tyre shop unsupervised. I think in future I will take the wheels to the tyre shop on a trailer so that I can re-fit them myself.

There is a happy ending, despite the bent bar:


HMMM.... I've been there, after this incident, a steering wheel attendant, who i wont identify as he lives close to some of us, was impatient and wrote off a perfectly good bus............ Very hard to remove wheels 1 week after incident!!!!


I have an American friend who spent several years as an I.T. consultant in Australia. He worked six long days each week, and swears he was hired so that the office could take more holidays.
I've now come to understand where Aussies put their energy :) I've also learned I'm an Aussie at heart.:safari-rig: :friday:


Expedition Leader
So I'm not the only one to have problems loosening lug nuts on an FG! I had a bar that long on a 4:1 torque multiplier and only succeeded in breaking a 3/4" adapter. For people who change these tires routinely, does it typically take that much effort to loosen lugs? There's a lot of foot pounds at the end of that bar, seemingly more than the 380 foot pounds required on the lug nuts.

As a follow up, I ended up taking the truck to a truck tire shop. They first tried with their 1" impact. 30 seconds or so on each lug made no difference. They then got a sledge hammer and a second guy hit the impact socket with the sledge while the other operated the impact. No go. Finally, they went and got 'Big Bertha', must be their most powerful 1" impact (Central Pneumatic no less), waited until their compressor was at full capacity and let them have it (1800 ft lbs I think). After about 30 seconds on the lugs, it finally loosed them. No way I would ever have broken them loose by myself.
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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Finally, they went and got 'Big Bertha', must be their most powerful 1" impact (Central Pneumatic no less), waited until their compressor was at full capacity and let them have it (1800 ft lbs I think). After about 30 seconds on the lugs, it finally loosed them.

Wow. Incredible Kerry. Sounds like you did the right thing taking it to the shop. Were they rusty at all? Not the threads but the countersunk surface?.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Yes, there was rust on the countersunk surface, but not a lot.
Yesterday 10:18 PM

Yeah, Not pitted rust . Just like a thin film. That's why I like using an antisieze compound. Can help prevent them from "freezing" on if they've been on there for a long time. Oh, and especially if some one else went crazy with a rattle gun putting them on.


Expedition Leader
Hmmm? When I got back from the tire shop I put anti-seize on the threads but not on the face. On some other forums, there have been heated discussions on anti-seize. There is disagreement on whether it should be used on the threads of lug nuts and a lot of disagreement about putting it on the face. I compromised and put it on the threads but not the face. Perhaps I should have compromised the other way.
I definitely don't want them that tight again because there is no way anyone was getting them loose without a mighty impact wrench. The front tires were pretty new when I bought the truck so they can't have been on there that long.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Srw swb atw

I've posted pics of this truck before but not with the SRW setup IIRC. I was talking to the owner earlier in the week and asked him if he had any pics I could post here. This is what he sent. Mick's one of the best outback operators in the business.

Hall of Fame - Inland NSW Tourism Awards 2008
Silver Medals - NSW Tourism Awards 2008; Significant Tour & Transport Operator, Adventure Tourism
Winners - Australian Tourism Awards 2007/ 2006 - Adventure Tourism & Significant Tour & Transport Operator
Winners - NSW Tourism Awards 2007 - Adventure Tourism & Significant Tour & Transport Operator, Adventure Tourism 2006
Winners - Inland NSW Tourism Awards - Tour & Transport Operator 2007,2006,2005
Distinction - NSW Tourism Awards 2004 - Adventure Tourism

Impressive resume as you can see.

He's only recently (Jan '08) added the FG to his fleet of Landcruisers. He thought he would only use the FG when the cruisers were too full up, however after doing the math over the last 18 months he now says the FG is cheaper to run than a Cruiser no matter how many patrons he has to take.






Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
On some other forums, there have been heated discussions on anti-seize.

Hi Kerry, haven't we been down this road before. Lol. I just anti sieze everything in sight.

Regards John.

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